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  1. Thank you, I did see that on the website. That's where I bought my hooks from. I loved that the diameter was on there. That's what made me buy the steelhead jig mold because I wanted a stout hook.
  2. Thank you very much Jbarlow, I wanted to try and use some cheaper hooks for my kids while they pan fish. Thanks again.
  3. I have recently bought a Do-it mold ( stl-8s-a ) I see that it only takes Mustad 32833 jig hooks. Does anyone know if there are other brand hooks that will fit into this jig mold, like the Matzuo sickle hooks or the Eagle claw 570? I have done some modification the the eye of this mold, I opened the area up with an endmill to accommodate a larger hook in the 1/16 and 1/32 slot and it works great. I was just curious if anyone has been down this road before and tried different hooks. Seems like alot of places I look are out of stock on certain mustad 32833 hooks. Thank you for your time
  4. I have read alot on this site and i just started to do some airbrushing. I am hooked, i love it. These are some of my first attempts.
  5. I just got into it myself, I bought an Iwata neo gun from hobby lobby, they have the nice 40% off cupon. It seems to work just fine for me. I also made a few stencils using .015 clear lexan ,heat gun and a paint can with my small shop vac. Hooked up to it. Some of the detail I use stencils, sharpies,foam artist sponges, etc. Although I am still learning, I'm hooked.
  6. Thanks guys. I made 3 of them and have not looked back. They work great.
  7. Thanks guys. I made 3 of them and have not looked back. They work great.
  8. Thank you for all the info gentlemen. I have dipped some more jigs, busted my eyes out then cured them in a toaster oven at 300 deg. For 20 min. I notice there much harder and smoother. I dropped tested one o. The floor before curing and it took a big chip out of it. Then after curing I did the same test and no chips of dings. Thanks again for all the help
  9. The lures i bought were the 4" minnow bodies and the 2.250 deep diver crankbaits. They were the $10 for 10
  10. thank you gentlemen, I watched the video.looks great. ill have to try it again.
  11. Hello, I have recently poured my own jig heads and built a few fluid beds. My finished product looks great,however I put a few jigs in a toaster oven to cure at the recommendation and the paint was dripping off when they were done. I believe my heat was at 325 for 15 min. Do any of you guys just fish the jigs and not cure them? Thank you
  12. I have bought a few plastic blank lures to paint myself off of lurepartsonline.com. I bought some crankbaits and some minnow bodies. My question is, has anyone on here ever used these lures? How do they perform? I have been airbrushing some nice patterns but just curious on how they swim. Thank you.
  13. Thank you for all the reply gentlemen,I ended up buying the neo, I'm gonna try it out for a while. I did a few thing with it so far. It seems ok so far.
  14. Hello gentlemen, i am wondering what your favorite top coat epoxy is? I have been looking around at some local stores for Devcon 2 ton epoxy but i am having a hard time finding it. Seems most stores around me are carring Loctite and JB weld brand. Does anyone use Clear 5 min epoxy? I am a beginer and very new to this, thank you
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