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  1. Interesting. I would not have thought of that,but will definitely try it.
  2. I'm new making soft plastics. I was with the wife at the hobby store and saw the large selection of glitters. Different sizes shapes. Is that relatively the same glitter i see on tackle suppy venders websites . Is there any concerns such as fouling your injector or molds? Also the closest thing I found for colorants was a fabric dye that was pretty generic on ingredient listing but said it was good for natural fibers and some synthetic.
  3. Interesting.... That is why I registered on this site because it appeared to be a non bias.
  4. FNG asking a question here. Are most of your injectors universal or are they proprietary. I just bought my first mold. The mold I bought looks like it has a 5/8" intake gate. It doesn't appear the vendor has an injector listed on website sale.
  5. Hey guys. I'm just like Wannabe. New to this myself. Dabbled a little pouring lead now going to try plastics. Trying to get comfortable with suppliers. Who else besides baitjunkies, doit, lurecraft, m-f is out there for plastics. Kind of budget restricted so i want to make my experience a positive one.
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