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rhallman last won the day on December 8 2019

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  1. I have struggled with the same problem for a long time. Fast cure does not allow degassing so what do you do. If you are using urethane resins like RC3, store in the driest place you can. Moisture is a killer and will cause a lot of bubbles. I have seen that firsthand. Older resins that have been open for awhile produce way more bubbles than resin just opened/unsealed. Next solution sounds like BS but has helped me big time. Put baby powder in the mold first, close it and shake. Open the mold and let the powder out. I usually slap the two sides together to get it out. This should leave a really light coat of powder in the mold. Now pour you resin. You may still see the bubbles but most will be just under the surface and not popped on the surface. My baits are not perfect, but this reduced surface popped bubbles by about 90%.
  2. rhallman

    2019-03-17 17.58.44

    Hard gizzard. Handmade, line thru design, including the eyes. Semi rigid dorsal and thread that will not shatter. Soft tail for greater action.
  3. rhallman

    2019-01-25 07.51.36.jpg

    Made from the head of a real gizzard shad a neighbor gave me plus all custom body work using Sculpey clay. Line thru design with internal foam harness. Handmade eyes from the picture of the real shad.
  4. Update and hard lesson learned. You cannot clean a mold that's had plastisol poured in it and then pour a platinum silicone bait. One plastisol pour bait, then cleaned with soap and hot water, then multiple acetone cleanings. No help. It's either a plastisol mold or a silicone mold. Can't be both.
  5. Just experienced the same thing. I was making a Mold Star 30 mold to pour both plastisol and platinum silicone swimbaits. Mold came out great (original made from resin). Poured a plastisol bait, then after using ample mold release made for platinum silicone, I poured Ecoflex silicone in the same mold. Big mistake. Only the inner cured. The outer touching the mold was a total mess. I am experimenting to make sure it is not the release, but I am certain it's due to the plastisol. Platinum silicone is extremely sensitive. Just did not know it was sensitive to plastisol. Tin based like Mold Max 30 is great. Not nearly as sensitive. Thanks for bringing this up.
  6. rhallman


    Thanks. Truth be known, it was made from a real shad replica. I can make hard swimbaits, but cannot get the realism like the real thing. It swims best in a soft plastic version.
  7. Gizzard shad three section hard swimbait. Original cast made from balsa, sculpey and plenty of patience. Molded with Smooth-On Mold Max 30. This is a resin lure made with Alumilite RC3. I have made multiple versions of this lure focusing on two types; First includes two hooks with and embedded Spro swivels instead screw eyes to reduce leverage during the fight. Second type is a line thru design with one or two hooks. Hooks are held in with screw eyes inserted into embedded rubber tubing that easily pops free during the hook set. All have replaceable super soft plastic tails that bring the bait to life, much better than silicon or rubber. I tried them all. I have settled on the line thru single front #2 Owner treble as the design of choice. Hookup ratio still high while avoiding the back hook from hooking into the fish's side or eyes. All painted with Wicked and finished with 3 coats of Etex.
  8. GIzzard shad. 5/0 Gamakatsu hook embedded in weighted foam harness for swimbait to sit upright at rest. Harness covered with bondcoat to prevent slippage. 10mm Living eyes. Wedge tail with excellent action at slow retrieve. Painted with Lureworks SB including holographic glitter. Made from real shad replica and Sculpey molded with Smooth On Mold Max 30.
  9. rhallman


    Gizzard shad soft swimbait with wedge tail.
  10. rhallman


    Line thru just like a soft swimbait. The line is tied to the screw eye on bottom that can pop out releasing the lure. I attached a pic of another swimbait on mine showing it popped out.
  11. rhallman


    Many thanks for all of the positive comments.
  12. rhallman


    Thanks a bunch. No foil was used. Just Wicked silver and aluminum, which suprisingly puts off a pretty good flash in the water.
  13. rhallman


    Line-thru design on front hook. Made from Alumilite RC3 resin. Dorsal and tail made with semi rigid resin to resist breakage. Etex finish to allow some flex.
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