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Everything posted by porkmeatballs

  1. Sorry to resurrect such an old thread, but I have a different glide bait problem that I could use some help on... I made a jointed glide that's about 8 inches long and glides decently well, but when you give it a few twitches, sometimes it will favor gliding to a certain side. For example, sometimes it will glide left, left, right instead of alternating from side to side. I've been playing around with it, but can't figure out what's wrong. The only way that I can get it to alternate is to time my twitches perfectly. I can use any help that I can get!
  2. I've used KBS clear (the rattle can one) on some of my baits. If you give the bait three or four coats, it's decently strong. The hook points may or may not scratch your bait a bit, but the KBS doesn't react with soft plastics as far as I can tell...
  3. Quick question: Is Baitjunkys plastic compatible with other brands of softener? I have plenty of alumisol softener...
  4. I'm assuming that medium is still pretty soft then? I probably just need to try it out for myself...
  5. Oh wow! Just saw the price on the gallon of baitjunkys plastisol. Can't beat that price! What hardness do you think would be good for swimbaits? I looked through the search bar, and a lot of guys are saying that the medium is a pretty good choice for most baits. Would this include swimbaits with vortex-style and paddle tails? You guys are much more experienced than I am. Any suggestions?
  6. Have any of you guys ordered polysol from this site? http://feqak.pcwpa.servertrust.com/Default.asp I might get some for swimbaits. I was just wondering if i should get soft, medium, or hard...
  7. Here's a 4 1/2 inch soft shad swimbait that I made. It has an internal resin harness and features a rigging system that allows the hook to detach and swing freely on 140 lb test stainless steel wire when a fish strikes. The tail has a nice kick even at slow speeds. Enjoy!
  8. Bummer. Thanks for asking Krylon about that, Tuna.
  9. Anglinarcher, do you use the clear Krylon fusion for your topcoat? I'm just wondering about the clear spray not the paint
  10. Does anyone know if this stuff reacts badly with soft plastics like the rustoleum 2x clear does?
  11. Hmmm yeah I was trying to find a cheap clear spray to use on baits that I want to sell in the future. I guess I'll have to look for a better option
  12. Hmm so I would have to give the whole swimbait a light coat of a different clear?
  13. Well I just ran into this problem. The soft tail touched another bait's clear coat, and kind of ruined the paint and clear on it. I was super bummed about this. Does anyone know if there's a way to prevent this reaction?
  14. Took my baits for a swim today, and the clear seemed pretty good! So far no chipping/flaking. In the future, I'll probably do a few more coats of clear just to be safe. Overall, I think I like the Rustoleum
  15. I got the 2X one, and the coat looked pretty thick after two passes so I stopped. We'll have to see how durable it is.
  16. Swam it in the tub and it seems to be holding out so far. I have yet to put it through a hard day of fishing, though. Overall, I like the look of the rustoleum spray. Looks cleaner than the KBS spray in my opinion.
  17. Just used the spray on one of my gill swimmers. We'll see how it turns out.
  18. This glide is killing me right now, but I will let you guys know how the rustoleum turns out once I use it. It might be a while though...
  19. Oh wow! Just saw this new thread! Thanks for creating it SW Lures Just made a run to Walmart and picked up some rustoleum 2x clear. I was amazed at how cheap it was! Just need to try tuning a glide to test it on.
  20. Thanks for the input, Mark! I'll probably try to pick up some type of krylon clear so I can test it out
  21. Has anyone tried krylon clear enamel spray? It's a lot cheaper than other clear coats... https://www.amazon.com/Krylon-Colormaster-Crystal-Clear-Acrylic/dp/B0009X8LZ4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1509928560&sr=8-1&keywords=krylon+clear+enamel&dpID=41art2KZkAL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
  22. Here's a question related to the KBS clear coats: How do I get rid of the smell? After spraying my bait, it smelled kind of toxic. Should I just swim it a few times to get the smell off?
  23. I've been looking at some glides out there, and have noticed that some baits are about the same thickness throughout the entire body. How do you think they made these baits glide? My lure tapers down a little bit at the belly. Why do glides have to be so frustrating hahahaha Sorry for hijacking this thread, but this does relate to "glide bait help". Hope you don't mind, bassdude41...
  24. I put about 50% microballoons in the bait and placed the weight flush against the bottom (well below the center line). It still does a barrel roll/dive bombs on the hard twitch.
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