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Everything posted by porkmeatballs

  1. Thanks for the insight! My bait turner spins rather quickly, so I'm not sure how much this will affect the spreading of the epoxy. My epoxy fully hardens in about a week... Is it crucial that I wait this long before applying the next coat? I like the glitter idea!
  2. Do I have to wait for each coat to completely dry before applying the next one?
  3. Alright, I'll keep practicing! Maybe I could do two thin coats of epoxy...
  4. Caught two nice bass on one of the shads! I think they work! Thanks TU!
  5. A little update: I think it worked! There are only a fewer bubbles in the epoxy! However, I did put a lot more epoxy on it and some parts have a little bit too much now... Is there a way to put exactly the right amount of epoxy on my bait without over applying it?
  6. Does it matter what material the gloves are made of?
  7. Alright, thanks so much Dingerbaits! I really appreciate it! My resin says that it cures in 10 minutes, so i guess I can wash it pretty soon after I pour!
  8. I have a bait turner, so the problem probably has to do with my dirty sweaty hands lol. I'll try gloves next time! So basically I can paint and epoxy right after the resin cures and i wash it with soap?
  9. Ok thanks! I actually don't have problems with paint adhesion, but I do have problems with my epoxy. It keeps pulling away in some areas, giving my baits a very ugly clear coat finish. Maybe I'm putting too little epoxy? Maybe something in the resin is causing this? I really have no idea how to get a nice even finish.
  10. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but is it ok to paint and clear coat resin baits right after they are poured? I tried using the search bar, but I couldn't really find anything. Thanks for the help!
  11. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but is it ok to paint and clear coat resin baits right after they are poured? I tried using the search bar, but I couldn't really find anything. Thanks for the help!
  12. I made the sprue hole much larger on my second mold. This seemed to fix the problem! I made a resin harness to balance the bait, and now it swims pretty well! Thanks TU for helping me through this process. If you want to see my swimbait, I posted it in the soft plastic contest gallery. I'll continue to tweak my bait.
  13. 6" custom shad swimbait with internal resin harness.
  14. Sometimes it's a little difficult to find information on some topics, but yeah, I'll keep looking! Thanks Rick!
  15. Does anyone have any pictures of harnesses that are inside of hudd-style baits? I'll probably make something similar for my swimbait.
  16. You guys are so smart... I would have no idea what to do without all this feedback. So I should pour it the same way and just let it sit for a while? Another factor that might be messing me up is that I do all this in the garage. It gets kinda cold in there.
  17. So basically what I would have to do is keep the plastic hot enough to fully fill the mold before it cools?
  18. I don't have a gauge... How would I go about avoiding this problem? I dont inject the plastic, I just pour it.
  19. Well guys, I figured out that the part leading up to the tail was way to thick, which hindered the swimming action... I tried plastisol with softener, but it just wouldn't swim. After I chopped some plastic away from that section, it swam pretty well. I guess i'll have to make a new mold with a skinnier tail. While I'm working on that, can anyone tell me why there were huge indentations in my swimbait? It seemed like the plastisol pulled in on itself...
  20. I guess I'll just experiment with the softener... Any ideas on how to keep the swimbait upright in the water? I put weight in the belly, but the lure sits on its side when it rests on the bottom.
  21. I actually measured in mililiters (about 50ml). I think that's around 1.6 fl oz?
  22. So I poured my first swimbait, but it doesn't swim well at slow retrieves. I think it's too stiff. I'll probably put some softener in the next swimbait. Any ideas on how much I should put?
  23. Never mind, I mixed it up a bit, poured a worm, and it turned out pretty good! Thanks guys!
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