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Everything posted by porkmeatballs

  1. Whoops! I didn't know that I had to mix the plastisol before using it. The alumisol is very opaque, so I don't know how badly it separated... How much should I mix it?
  2. Well, I've already run into a road block here! I tried pouring my first bait (a small worm) just to experiment, and it came out extremely soft and kind of sticky. It kind of felt like those sticky hands that I used to play with as a kid... What should I do? I was thinking that I didn't microwave it enough. Any ideas?
  3. Well I just got the alumisol, heat stabilizer, softener, and alumidust in the mail! Starting to make my silicone mold...
  4. Sounds good Mark! I actually just pulled the trigger on some alumisol... We'll see if it's any good!
  5. Mark, would Baitjunkys still be a good choice if I decided to sell my baits later on?
  6. I think I'll try to use alumisol first and see what happens... I just want to kind of experiment with cheaper plastisol before getting more expensive stuff.
  7. For those of you that have used Alimisol: Should I get the hardener, softener, and heat stabilizer? Are they necessary?
  8. Just got a microwave from the thrift store! Now I just have to order the plastisol. Still trying to figure out how to weight and rig these future swimbaits...
  9. Awesome, awesome info here! Thanks for clarifying a lot of stuff. Another question: How would I be able to make a line through type bait? I was thinking that I would put lead weight in the bottom and then mold plastic tubing through the bait for the line through channel.
  10. So air bubbles at the very bottom of the tail would have to rise all the way to the vent holes?
  11. Awesome feedback!Yeah the biggest thing that I was worried about was getting big air bubbles in my bait. In the mold above, how would the air escape if you poured from the top? Wouldn't it get trapped in the tails? Since I want to make a bait with a lot of detail, air bubbles would probably be a huge problem.
  12. Thanks for the info! I already have the OOMOO, so I guess I'll just stick with that. For the master, I'll probably try to carve it, as that is one of my favorite parts in the building process. I really want to make a more realistic swimbait (one without a flat top), but I'm not completely sure how to do the "injector mold". Would I have to buy one of those special injector syringes?
  13. Hahaha porkmeatballs are the best! I checked out Larry's videos and they're pretty informative. I think I'll try using the Oomoo silicone instead of vac 50 resin. I still have to order some alumisol and get a microwave somewhere. We'll see how it goes! If I have any more questions, I'll ask you guys!
  14. Hey guys, I have decided that I will finally try to make my own soft plastic swimbaits and I know absolutely nothing about the process... I will probably have a lot of questions, so any replies will be appreciated. First questions: Can I make the mold out of alumilite silicone? Is alumisol tough enough to make a line through swimbait? How should I go about weighting such a swimbait? Thanks so much guys!
  15. Yeah, I actually couldn't even find the search function. I will keep looking.
  16. Ok Im just worried if it will react badly with the silicone mold
  17. Sounds good! Instead of shellac, would either clear nail polish or minwax spar urethane work? I already have the minwax, so i was wondering if i could just use that instead.
  18. Awesome! Should I use a hairdryer or just let it air dry? Thanks so much for the quick responses! I'm actually working on the bait right now!
  19. Alright sounds good! So I wet the area with water, let it dry, and then sand?
  20. Wow thanks for the write-up! So should I still try the water technique even though I already carved the detailing on the head?
  21. Sounds like a good idea barrybait! Will the steel wool gouge the wood though? I'm mainly looking to smooth out the wood around the detailing (on the head). It sounds like it would be kind of hard to reach in there with steel wool.
  22. Btw I saw mikey of 3:16 lures do this on his master baits. Look on his instagram...
  23. Dave, so the mold release just helps the master come out of the mold better? It doesn't cover up blemishes?
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