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Everything posted by porkmeatballs

  1. Alright folks I just poured the mold for my swimbait! Let's see how it turns out! Also, has anyone used the silicone from the mold to make fins for their lure? I had a little extra and it feels like good fin material...
  2. Once again sorry if this was already asked, but any easy ideas on how to carve scales on my wooden lures?
  3. Thanks for the input guys! Yeah I also ordered the Mann Ease Release so it should be fine
  4. Yeah i just ordered some silicone to make a mold and I also got some alumilite casting resin. Will any cooking oil work Dave? I also got mold release, but the cooking oil sounds cheaper
  5. Alright cool! Do i have to put anything onto my mold before putting the resin in? Will the resin stick to the mold?
  6. Alright I read through that post, but what I was really wondering is if there is some type of liquid pvc that I could pour into a mold. I want to try mass producing some of my better lures.....
  7. Hello all! I'm rather new to TU and I don't know if there is a search function, so forgive me if this question has been asked already. I'm thinking about making a silicone mold for hard swimbaits. What should I use to make the lure? I've heard good things about resin and pvc, but which brands are the best? It would also be really nice if I could get it off of Amazon... Thanks for reading!
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