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Everything posted by Bassachusetts

  1. Cool, will look into it. I've avoided foam this thus far because I thought it expands inside the mold. Is this true and is this hard to work with as a result? Thanks
  2. Made an original wooden model of my wakebait and it is exactly the way I want it but with the time it took me to make I want to just pour copies. Made a silicone mold and it all came out great. What should I pour into it that will give me the closest action to wood? Will plastic with half microballoons be super botany? Better doing microbaloons and then drilling holes and replacing them with wood? Any material I can pour that will float easily and still be tough?
  3. Cost. I can get a tube of 100% silicone for about $1 on sale at my local hardware store. I use this to make all my molds, so I know how to use it, but I want to make baits out of it too if I can. I found some plaster of Paris yesterday and made my first mold just to do some tests. If this works I think I should be able to make 5-8 inch soft trout and perch swimbaits (very similar to hudds or realpreys) for about 20 cents each. Also, silicone swimbaits swimsuits are very durable. I use a lot of Realprey swimbaits and they work very well, so I'm confident that silicone is effective as a material for these.
  4. Thanks guys, I was thinking Plaster of Paris might work too so I'll probably start with some of that, if I still have any in my basement. Vodkaman - interesting about the density, I was under the impression that a "raw" hunk of silicone would float. Granted, I want it to sink , but I'll have to figure out a way to get the weight inside prior to pouring I guess.
  5. So I want to try making some swimbaits out of silicone, but I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing this. For all my last swimbaits (all made of hard resin) I've used silicone molds, but since silicone will stick together, I need to make the mold out of something else. I'm trying to make something somewhat like Realprey swimbaits, for reference. Thanks!
  6. Excellent! Thanks for the suggestion Dave, I'll read up on it!
  7. I'm pretty new to this. Made a few wakebaits, painted them, want to coat them. I've heard epoxy? Best kind for this? I don't have a rotator or whatever they're called- something to keep the sealant from dripping
  8. Thanks Dave! Any recommendation for a cheap glue that will work for this? Don't want any eyes to come off while fishing
  9. I'm pouring some resin wakebaits, and plan to join them just like a slammer (just 2 screw eyes interlocking). Should I add the screw eyes before pouring the resin, so that they are embedded in it, or will I be able to screw the eyes into the hardened resin afterwards? Thanks
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