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Chuck Young

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Everything posted by Chuck Young

  1. Chuck Young

    6 bloody good.JPG

    "Bloody Good" Transparent paint allows chrome to shine through.
  2. Bloody Good Lure blank 6 This blank had a few patches done. I attempted to do a "G" finish on this one.
  3. Chuck Young

    4 White Perch.JPG

    This was the bad side. Much of the shine rubbed off the center of the lure. When you clamp it, you have to protect the chrome film with some plastic. It is best to do both sides at the same time. Also leave the plastic in place till you are ready to paint (unless yoususpect a problem). Clear coat with createx Transparent base as soon as the plastic is removed.
  4. Chrome White Perch. Blank #4. The lat line was probably a mistake. Flat lures like this one are pretty easy to chrome this way.
  5. Chuck Young

    3 Tenn shad.JPG

    Chromed blank #3. Purple highlights are Flo Violet
  6. Chuck Young

    3 tenn shad b.JPG

    Lure blank 3 - chrome Tenn Shad.
  7. Chuck Young

    3 tenn shad b.JPG

    Chrome Tenn Shad This was the third blank on the tutorial. Highlights of I yellow and Flo violet mask a few problems.
  8. Chuck Young

    3 tenn shad b.JPG

    Tenn Shad This chrome is missing in places because I overheated the film during the vacuu-forming process. There is still plenty of shine. And the paint job masks it well.
  9. Chuck Young

    2 Gizzard shad.JPG

    Side b shows the shine.
  10. A rounder, thicker lure is trickier. This one came out almost perfect. Sometimes patching is more trouble than it is worth
  11. Chuck Young

    1 shiner 1.JPG

    Blank #1 on the tutorial. These small, flat sided lures were easy to chrome. Shine was great!
  12. The completed lure pics have been posted in the gallery. Bear in mind that this was a learning process for me. Good, bad and ugly were all posted. Both sides are shown and the numbers match up with the numbers on the tutorial. I will post some comments in the gallery pics. Thanks for looking. I welcome positive and negative feedback. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/18269-1-shiner-1jpg/?context=new http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/18271-2-gizzard-shadjpg/?context=new http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/18272-3-tenn-shad-bjpg/?context=new http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/18273-3-tenn-shadjpg/?context=new http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/18274-4-white-perch-bjpg/?context=new http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/18275-4-white-perchjpg/?context=new http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/18276-5-chrome-ir-perch-bjpg/?context=new http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/18277-5-chrome-ir-perch-cjpg/?context=new http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/18278-5-chrome-ir-perchjpg/?context=new http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/18279-6-bloody-good-bjpg/?context=new http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/gallery/image/18280-6-bloody-goodjpg/?context=new
  13. There is a pdf download on the tutorial. It is under tutorials - hard baits. I just painted and clearcoated my first batch. I used E tex, so no pics till tomorrow.
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