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Everything posted by SRJ

  1. https://ads.midwayusa.com/product/637732/lee-production-pot-four-furnace?utm_medium=shopping&utm_source=connexity&utm_campaign=Reloading+-+Bullet+Casting&utm_content=637732
  2. SRJ

    BTS molds

    Check out Bass Tackle craw http://www.basstackle.com/737_HDX_Craw_2_75_p/737-kj-1.htm
  3. Any bears molds left?

  4. What is to prevent you from putting any grub, or worm for that matter, on a beetle spin set up?
  5. I normally put my baits in a mix of worm and anise oil after pouring. Wouldn't this be a good way to 'oil the tubes' before cutting?
  6. Works for me. http://anglingai.com/tail-cutter/
  7. Quite certain Sarah will send you a sample.
  8. Sorry about that Dave, my mistake. 2nd one today. Cocktail hour begins Now!
  9. Anglers choice use this for their tubes. Check out his website
  10. Bob has been making and selling the 702 on ebay. Every now and then. https://www.ebay.com/itm/702-craw-mold-CNC-Aluminum-mold-/152836145491
  11. The facts are I purchased 2 -702 molds 4 cavity , 3 3/4" and 4 3/4", on ebay within the past 2 weeks. They both were advertised as 'brand new' and the receipt was to bts molds Seller was bettjone-84. Now I guess Bob is making back order molds and not taking orders in his shop but still needs to eat so he is making and selling on ebay.
  12. Very pleased with their service!
  13. I have used coated cast iron with success. Found them on ebay.
  14. Similar tail situation with the 2 1/2". I use hard which is what I use for my tubes.
  15. Check with Baitjunky he has a mold that would fit.
  16. I just received the Baitmold V23. 21/2" aluminum ribbed paddle tail which is just like the keitch. Shoots good. I agree with Franks thought of local but just too much of a cost difference for me.
  17. Web site says not taking new orders now. Catching up on past orders.
  18. With all these baits do you sell to the public?
  19. You might check with Anglers Choice also.
  20. I use Baitjunky Hard de-gassed for everything. Still playing with temps. Sent Leonard a message asking for recommendations. Haven't heard back yet.
  21. If you have an air compressor you really don't need the worm oil to remove the tube. I see that Josh is now offering a tube splitter featuring a 'smash devise'. Just ordered the ribbed 5 piece mold today. I now have all his tube molds.
  22. Most all the people I have heard from either are big users and doesn't last long or hobbyist and buy this quantity to save money then put it in gallon or quart containers. After mixing the entire batch, of course.
  23. This in Facebook. Seems to make sense to me. "Storing Plastisol over time: As bait makers, you may already know this. But it is something I learned today and wanted to share if you didn't think of it. An old friend told me today about the settling of plastisol when stored, about stirring over and over again before using. This is what he said to do; Cook all of your clear plastisol and pour into a tray to harden. Then cut it into cubes of 1oz size (like an icecube size) and store them. When you need some, take out as many cubes, cook and add color as needed. Anyone do this?"
  24. How do you present this Beaver bait? Football jig?
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