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  1. Hey Man, 

    I saw your post from a few years ago regarding baitmolds, i ordered from them recently, who ships for them if you remember?

  2. Thanks McLuvin175. I'll only be working with small batches so will remember your advice. I'll try white in the meantime as I have it. If it doesn't give me what I want I'll try the salt. How do I dilute the white? I assume a little worm oil? Gidgeon.....dungeon......bludgeon.....no...... GUDGEON!
  3. Thanks Guys your help is greatly appreciated. Small amount of White it will be. Will try on the next batch
  4. Thanks guys. So I haven't used salt before or have salt. Does it have to be a special kind of salt? How much should I start with in a 1 cup batch? I do have white colorant but I thought that even a little might lighten my watermelon too much. The Zman colour I'm trying to match is till quite light and opaque when held to the light.
  5. Hi All, Zman lures make a soft plastic colour called 'Gudgeon' which looks like a slightly cloudy watermelon red flake mix. Does anyone have any advice as to how to make this colour cloudy (stay opaque)? Thanks
  6. Thanks Jeff, you certainly looked after me with my order and it is very much appreciated. Of course its not the sellers fault that the shipping charges are so high........just one of those things when you live on the other side of the world. I injected up a batch of lures on the weekend and the colour has turned out perfectly. Exactly what I wanted. It was the green/red designation that threw me out and concerned me. All turned out well in the end. Thanks
  7. Thanks Guys. That makes me feel better
  8. Hi Guys, I've just received a pint of 17-M-F Motor Oil (Changeable) colour I ordered from M-F manufacturing Company. I had checked out mention of this colour in forums and viewed the colour chart on the item web page. It shows the colour as being green with an amber colour when held to the light. Exactly what I wanted as I am trying to match the Zman Motor Oil colour. However, the label on the bottle says 17 - Motor Oil Changeable Green/red. I haven't mixed it yet but it looks very red when held to the light.............not amber. The web page does say that the 'picture is representative and may or may not be the true colour depending on the amount of dye used in M-F Plastic'. Is anyone able to confirm whether this colour looks amber OR red when held to the light please? I'm gonna be very disappointed if its red. I just spent $63 US ($84 AUS) for shipping to especially get it.
  9. There has been discussion on the forums regarding Baitmold.com ........ you might want to check it out. They will make custom moulds........... I had them make one for me. Might be worth contacting them to see if they can help. The downside is that the shipping can take quite a while.
  10. Basscat28, I have 2 molds from Baitmold. One is a single cavity paddle tail and the other I had them custom make for me. Its a 4 cavity 2.5" grub similar to Zman grubs. The material they use is an artificial stone material similar to that used on many modern kitchen bench tops. I think these materials are acrylic based and dimensionally stable. The moulds are very accurate and well made. I don't use any release/lubricant and the soft plastics pull out easily. I don't get a shiny finish as I do with my aluminium injection mold. Its smooth and accurate but dull. This doesn't worry me. I haven't experimented with a lubricant ..... that may even result in a shiny appearance. Shipping is cheap, but slow. Mine took about a month. They are very helpful with any custom moulds you may wish....and quick to produce. Will definitely be purchasing from them in the future for any of my needs. Paid by PayPal. Steve
  11. Thats what I have been doing....adding before I inject.
  12. Thank you Kim for the offer. Unfortunately I have already placed an order for the items I needed. I'll look you up next time I need supplies.
  13. I have sourced most of my soft plastic materials from u-make-em Edgecrusher. I do have some glitter from them which is OK. I have red, but was sent a much larger size (approx 1.5mm) than the fine (0.008") that I ordered because they didn't have any at the time. It is of no use to me. I need 0.015" red for the lures I want to make and u-make-em don't stock this size. They only seem to carry a 'coarse' or 'fine'. I've just placed an order for some polyester glitter from The Glitter Shop in the UK. $11.39 AUS shipping. Much cheaper than US shipping costs and almost the same as shipping here at home.
  14. Thanks for the advice guys. I might look into the Stampendous glitter Travis if its available in AUS. I looked at spike-it site. Put 5 x 2oz colours in the shopping cart $17.25US + $97.03 shipping! This is the problem I have ordering anything from Australia. The shipping costs are astronomical.
  15. Actually JRammit I did try to save it and started to add black, but the glitter didn't look nice. So I got fussy. I have some fine black, blue and red glitter that I purchased from a plastics supplier here in AUS that are OK. But the range is limited in sizes. The glitter I used that bled was a US brand - American Crafts Brand WOW glitter from the local craft store. It was the first time I've used it and I have 3 other colours. Won't risk using it anymore. Thanks for the help.
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