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  1. Some will fall different due to shape. Some will stand up more.
  2. I painted some jig heads and let them dry. I then used Bob Smith epoxy. They never fully cured, stayed a little tacky. I put them in a box and into the boat. It was hot that day. Went to get one and it was as if the epoxy unsecured and became sticky and globby so to speak. Any ideas? Missed 50/50 mixing ratio or what went wrong?
  3. I too have had DD22's "explode" into fragments in a really hot storage area. I think it must be the air expanding in the bait. Wish I would have known earlier that is was possible for that to happen, I would not have stored them in that type of temperature.
  4. I am new here, but have been reading for a while. Many say if you only have 1 or maximum 2 baits you can get by with the 5 minute type, but if you have several baits you want the 30 minute type so it does not begin to harden to quick before you finish coating the lures.
  5. I have read some of the information here and looked in a few times, but I finally decided to create an account because I wanted to just say those painting baits are loaded with talent. Thanks for posting your work and allow me to be amazed. I hope this posts correctly.
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