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    great lakes state/walleye capital

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. tlh178

    New Guy

    thanks chuck! thats a great idea. i need to paint something with a patriotic theme, something red, white and blue. my wife and i will attend for the sixth year. a event called walleyes for warriors. 130 boats take 200 veterans out on saginaw bay(lake huron) for a day of walleye fishing then cookout too honor there service. just alittle keep sake for the vet we take out that day.! www.walleyesforwarriors.com
  2. tlh178

    New Guy

    thanks dale! i did look at that and trying digest all the info.indeed very talented !
  3. tlh178

    New Guy

    thanks for the replys guys! i'll keep trying different patterns and colors. after looking at some of the pictures on here, wow is all i can say. thanks again!
  4. tlh178

    New Guy

    i just started doing this as a hobby. thought, can't be that hard! well i was wrong by a mile! i found myself spending hundreds of dollars buying custom painted lures. so after getting all set up,the last two i painted actual caught some nice walleyes. heres my question, when using dark and light colors, which one do you paint 1st. glad i found this site, looks to be alot of info here!
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