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All Eyes

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Everything posted by All Eyes

  1. All Eyes


    LOL! Just being silly. I had this scrap piece of wire from making muskie baits and stuck a hot dog on it. What's funny is that part of me thinks it might work.
  2. All Eyes


    Does anyone troll for catfish?
  3. All Eyes


    Exceptional work Ryan. Your stuff is so clean and well done.
  4. All Eyes

    10 inch smallmouth.jpg

    It is red cedar. Here is another pic.
  5. All Eyes

    10 inch smallmouth.jpg

    Thank you!!! The eyes are from Dead Meat Customs. They make some great looking eyes.
  6. All Eyes

    10 inch carp.jpg

    Hi Chris, I have made both versions (twisted and straight wire) but don't care for the twist at the line tie. It comes up through the lip at an angle and bugs me. Smaller gauge wire is ok because it's easier to straighten the line tie (tune) On my straight wire baits the wire extends deep into the body almost to the mid point of the bait. I also double pin my lips into the wood using pieces of 1/16" or heavier stainless wire. I drill holes up through the bottom going through both sides of the lip into the head area and epoxy the pins into place. A twisted wire makes a stronger connection for sure but on these larger musky baits the wire is a bear to bend and would be next to impossible for a fish to pull it through the lip. I have never had any issues with the wire coming loose or moving at all. Hope this helps answer your question.
  7. All Eyes

    cedar baits21.jpg

    Thanks Braided! The color combos are fun to play around with. Especially some of the vivid fluorescent colors. Here is another recent one.
  8. All Eyes

    orange bait.jpg

    Thanks a lot eastman! This one was done in Createx opaque fluorescent orange. I find it works best when built up slow with light coats as apposed to shooting it fast and heavy.
  9. All Eyes

    saugeye bait.jpg

    Thank you Ryan! The gills are done by dipping waded up pieces of netting material in paint and dabbing it on like a sponge technique. Then I lightly dust over them with white before applying transparent colors over top.
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