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Mr Jaws

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About Mr Jaws

  • Birthday October 1

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  • Location
    Ca Delta

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  1. Happy New Year All Im considering purchasing the 3511 tear drop mold for free rig . Does anyone know the size barrel swivel i should purchase for this mold ? Thank you all for your input .
  2. Happy New Years All. I'm about to purchase a do it lure body mold (LB-5-A). To make roostertail inline spinners I'm just curious if there a chart to go by to order spinner blades per weight of the lure weight 1/32 thru 3/8oz ? Your input is greatly appreciated.
  3. Right on. Thanks for the replies
  4. Hello All I'm trying to place an order but have no clue what size clip and size I should purchase for this blade. Thank you in advance.
  5. Make your own spacer with jannsnetcraft "tack-l-tool" . Check out the demonstration on youtube.com https://youtu.be/51S8yQ0wwaQ?list=PLwIWj_7LQhnV7udESFInLza_Zjtx_y_oa
  6. Mr Jaws

    CA Sucker.jpg

    This awesome looking lure looks like it was made for stripper at the Sacramento delta .
  7. Heres a link at member tutorial to make belly weights.
  8. Go to members submitted tutorial . AKA lincoya has a tutorial on making lips perfect .
  9. Go to “ members submitted tutorial “ hardbait how to. Lincoya has a tutorial for belly weights.
  10. BJB those are some awesome crawfish colors. How did paint get the webbing design on your crawfish.
  11. Mr Jaws

    Crankbait lips

    That’s an awesome looking bait you got there !
  12. Mr Jaws

    Crankbait lips

    Cool. Good luck to you Sir. Would you post a photo of you lure when completed?
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