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  1. Yeah it's definitely different lol, huge lake, super clear water, lots of boating during the summer. My folks have a place on Martin so I grew up there, me and my dad catch the heck out of crappie though, just throwing a 1/32 or 1/16 jighead with a sexee shad or Minnie tail on 4lb high vis... 1/32 oz drops about a foot a sec so it's exciting watching your line for that subtle thump. Caught some on top water in the fall, but yeah slow worm presentation are key. Great trolling lake though, caught 2 spots over 5 this year trolling a poes
  2. Yeah that's the thing about malzahns offense it's deadly, and he is a great coach, but it it is definitely quarterback centric to a fault, but m sure if they give him enough time he'll get it straitened out
  3. I will certainly agree with the snake on that one lol.. As of now though it's hard for an Alabama fan to conversate upon "other teams" in college football, because at this point the Tide is on its on level... but at the end of the day my girlfriend is an auburn graduate, so it's common for "house divided" tags on the fronts of cars around here.
  4. Some god fishing up that way.. I'm in Elmore county, lake jordan, and Martin
  5. I know this is an old ass post but if any of y'all are still active I'm from central Al and looking for some local comrades to talk shop with so holler if your in the AL area and we can make something happen I know this is an old ass post but if any of y'all are still active I'm from central Al and looking for some local comrades to talk shop with so holler if your in the AL area and we can make something happen
  6. Being stubborn seems to be the key,accept when it comes to using the information provided by the TU community, lol. You can be told how to swim, but until you jump in the water and learn the necessary movements to tread water you will sink. It's not necessarily difficult just a time consuming learning curve, but that first bass to take your bait will instantly reaffirm time spent.
  7. Yes sir, the ole triple threat, well almost
  8. Appreciate it guys.. And no it isn't new just the kind attached to a stick to wave around at games lol. I do want to diversify into some wood builds, but the pvc seems to be the best for someone starting out, at least in my opinion, just for the ability to negate the water intrusion issue completely, and ability to easily manipulate ballast so on. Not to mention the price for a stick of the trim board 8 ft piece for $8 or so. Although I can completely understand the satisfaction level of building a productive wooden lure may be higher due to its natural qualities and historic folklore. All I know is at the end of the day it's just pretty damn sweet to rip lips with a bait that you yourself make. I just thought I had an attachment to a bait that costs $10 from the store, not quite the same I must say. Search feature is great even if it doesn't produce results you are looking for initially, it often leads to discussions that help in other areas. If I lived in CA I probably would have better things to do than yell roll tide too lol.
  9. Hey fellas my name is Eric, im 27 and I'm from central Alabama. I've been endlessly scouring these these forums with boyish enthusiasm soaking up more information regarding hard baits than I could have fathomed existed, lol. I tried pine once, and then went and bought a cheap piece of pvc trim board, and haven't looked back. Turned out some decent crank, one of which has caught 5 fish in a couple outings. Just want to thank everyone who contributes to this amazing forum. Ive been wanting to post but was so in awe of yalls work, figured I should put my time in on the search forum and in the bathtub with good ole trial and error. I owe everything I know to the TU community, and wanted to send special thank you to Mark Poulson for his ever persistent recommendation to make if easy on yourself and get some PVC.lol.no questions at the moment just a thank you to all of yall, and y'all were right I'm a certified homemade junkie, and I couldn't be more pleased with my new found "disease". If anyone else is from the Montgomery or river region area holler at me, would love to Meet some people with the same passion for the overall sport as I have.. thanks men and remember if all else fails just go fishin
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