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azsouth last won the day on September 11 2024

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About azsouth

  • Birthday November 16

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    fishing, hunting

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  1. Painters tape is usually the go to and to clean the lip to bring it back to almost new ( if it's abs plastic ) heat the lip to hot to touch and dip it in acetone then wave back and forth to dry quickly. if it is not clear you did not heat it up enough or dry it fast enough. WARNING!! ACETONE melts plastic!! so if you're unsure test it on a lure that you are willing to destroy.
  2. Hot is not the problem! Either you have contamination on the baits or bad UV resin. I have done baits in 110 degrees F.
  3. Shoulders are usually quite a bit bigger than the bottom of the lure, the belly weights should be as low as possible and static. This is the learning curve of building your own bait, knowing were and how much weight is tricky at best. Ad weight to the belly hook and see how it affects the swim. Remember +/- 1 gram can be the difference between a good bait and a paper weight.
  4. I would say try moving weighting and be sure and use a snap... if you're direct tying it will kill action. A good video would also help.
  5. The best blanks that I have purchased have been from Fishhead Custom Lures and second would be Shelt's fishing tackle. I have never had a bad bait from Fishhead Customs but I have had baits from Shelts that needed attention. My .02
  6. What I have been able to find is 2 tools used in conjunction with one horizontal and one vertical. more than 1 pass may be needed.
  7. Ordered it, just got it today....In my opinion don't bother, it does not straighten hard wire.
  8. I have seen it used for the softer wires but I don't know if it works on the hard wire. if anyone knows for sure speak up please.
  9. if it works if you would please hit me up with a dm. Thank you
  10. Anyone have a better way to straighten coiled wire?
  11. I have tried several ways to straighten wire coils... drill small whole and pull through with tension....put wire between 2 pieces of wood attach drill and pull through and last trying to straighten with hands. It works kind of but not super straight.
  12. Bad no, Lack of experience yes. 1. Dull areas have contamination or oxidation. 2. Cut reliefs for bends and turns. 3. Each foil has it's limitations. 4. Learn the failing point of the foil by pressure exerted when applying. ( make it fail ) 5. Nothing replaces experience. 6. Some foils will do quite well with heat and pressure. 7. You should wear disposable gloves when foiling to keep natural oils off the foil. 8. Always wipe down foil when finished with clean cloth. 9. wood pencil/dowel works best to apply foil. It's not just about one step, it's about putting all the steps together.
  13. work the foil from the center of the bait to the end, top and bottom....I use a round wood pencil to get the foil to lay against the bait without wrinkles, then wipe it down with a clean rag to get all contaminants of the foil. BTW no need to foil the top of the bait.
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