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Everything posted by azsouth

  1. Both members are correct on paint and spraying, but what I think anyone who is starting out should get the basics together and start spraying baits!! remember that nothing replaces first hand experience and knowledge. buy some cheap blanks or try to repaint old baits you have in hand. understanding will come with better with hands on IMO.
  2. roll your sleeves up and start to work, you will get a better understanding of the help here with experience! this hobby will take you over and not in a bad way.
  3. never seen or even heard of that....but it looks nice
  4. I have ordered from them twice now. poor communication and shipping takes longer than it takes orders from China, I live in the same state. good blanks, questionable at best customer service. IMO
  5. Lexan/polycarbonate can be cut with carbide toothed router/ table saw very easily. IMO if you know how to use either it would be to your benefit to do so and if you want that perfect edge hit it with a torch gently. any local glass shop or home improvement place carries it. to mold it place your mold in oven heat to around 220 to 280 degrees till it forms to your mold. any hotter it might scorch or burn. you can use a small toaster oven outside, fumes/gasses are not good to inhale.
  6. well, the one I have been waiting for them to restock has been about a year, depends on the popularity of the blank.
  7. It really is to bad, they have some nice blanks.
  8. I received the same E-mail, then ordered the second time, still waited for 2 weeks for the order, I am in the same state. I hope this is not typical service.
  9. this dealer is based out of Arizona, I live in Arizona and it takes about 2 weeks or more ( both orders I placed ) for it to be delivered..... this state is not very large!
  10. I don't have the experience of a lot of guys here but with that being said: 1. dip whole lure ( I use kbs ) 2. let drip for a few seconds. 3. use small wire to clear eyelets and then use compressed air to clear joints then hang. ( 50psi or lower ) 4. wait for about 30 seconds to 1 minute then use a q-tip to remove the last of clear coat at bottom of lure. this method only works with metal looped baits, DO NOT USE THIS METHOD ON ANY OTHER JOINTED BAITS! this method works great, IMO. everyone and every bait is different, what works for one person or bait might not work for the next.
  11. yep, the knowledge here is endless. now just the rest of my life to be able to do it.
  12. ouch, I hope you get your money back. I am starting the ball rolling my self for a refund.
  13. does anyone know what is up with Avid Bass Tackle? site is down.
  14. I use a small hardened probe or punch. 1. put small socket in vise (that will except probe but not to big for hook eye) 2. lightly oil probe 3. put hook eye on top of socket. 4. insert probe into eye. 5. tap with hammer until desired opening ( I prefer a dead blow hammer) 6. attach blade. 7. close eye using vise. this is how I do it but I am sure there other guys that do it a different way.
  15. I use a dab of gel super glue, then kbs. with no problems
  16. same brush equipped with smaller needle, IMO
  17. I have also tried clear powder.... its not so clear for me.
  18. I think it is all about preference, meaning how you want the lure to move. IMO
  19. search your local area for powder paint suppliers, that is what I did.... nothing over $10 a pound
  20. it depends on all the tackle you are using .........size wire,blade size and manufacturer, hook size and finish, this is all relatives to the weight of the spinner. I make a .23 oz and a .26 oz inline spinners, the difference in weight is size and number of beads. my bodies are just under 3/16oz hope this helps.
  21. I use the holo nail powder, it works like super fine glitter when suspended in epoxy, you can use it with nail polish for the holo look but I find it difficult to get the whole bait done before it finishes tacking.
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