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Everything posted by azsouth

  1. try smaller glitter, I use extra fine and smaller.
  2. I throw that swim bait a lot, this might help http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Bruiser_Baits_Super_Swimmer_Junior/descpage-BBSSJ.html
  3. I don't use the folded clevis either, it will help out a lot if you use 2 beads for an easier spin and blade clearance. I use 2 beads on all my spinners.
  4. this might help.... https://www.kbs-coatings.com/DiamondFinish-Clear-Directions.html
  5. this close enough? http://cedarrunoutdoors.com/shallow-diver-2-3-8/
  6. KBS worked for me.... can't hurt to try.
  7. had some luck on ebay from china https://www.ebay.com/itm/100pcs-size-2-0-6-6-7-4-6mm-Stainless-steel-oval-split-rings-Crafts-Lures/232109397335?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  8. this is what I use http://www.lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Wire-Forming-Tools/Round-Nose-Pliers.html
  9. aluminum foil works pretty good, for me learning curve was and is on going! the only problem with aluminum foil is the paint does not stick well and is easily removed.
  10. its easier said then done, there will be a learning curve.....the first ones I did the hook was stationary also, not what I was trying for.
  11. I use 5 min epoxy, while assembly process just before hook install slight dab of epoxy on wire and slide into body.
  12. very nice ...... FLAME ON!!!!
  13. azsouth

    Butt Ugly !

    uh let the fish decide....it may surprise you!
  14. best way to cut lexan or polycarbonate is with a carbide saw or router Imo, yes you can cut it with just about any saw but leaves more work for clean up....use a torch on the edges to make them look great
  15. in a pinch I have used toothpaste for polishing.
  16. I have been using a fluid bed for primary color then tapping second color with a brush but I was thinking of a sifter (like flour) it did not work screen was to large.....went to the store and bought some regular fiber screen and worked fine (with some work) then a friend (Azfisher) put me on to paint screen....without a doubt works awesome with just a light tap and I can contain the drifting paint easily.
  17. there are so many uses for those feathers imo..... teal are small and don't provide a lot of feathers if plucked, also remember that duck feathers will repel water.
  18. many different ways to do it, you can skin the duck or pluck the feathers.... depending on the time and effort you want to invest.
  19. Ok who are you guys and how come your not building rockets?
  20. I am 49 and my wife asks the same thing.... I think she is a keeper!!!
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