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Everything posted by grosenberg

  1. Just echoing the same. The lighter colors I paint first as well.
  2. The search function is not working properly. Has not worked for me since the software update. I'll look more into the tap the can, etc for storing DN. I'm slowly leaning towards epoxy but it takes longer to do lol. Thanks for the help.
  3. Hi All, Thanks again for taking the time out to read my questions and answer. I have a few questions, mostly from dipping in MDU. I bought both KBS Diamond as well as some Dick Nites, I seem to like DN's better but it means nothing because I can't seem to say why. When I dip, I just hang the lures from the top on a stick. How do I prevent the MDU from dripping down over the eye lids. Trying to clean that is hard. I need to get some blocks like that! They look awesome. Heddon Torpedo - So I have some blanks of these, painted a few and put it together. How do you paint it, dip it, then put on the extra hardware? So I drilled a tiny hole, then twisted in the hardward and put a little mdu over it. (I also put a dab in the hole as well, thinking it would help secure it) Is this the right thinking? I assume this is one where spraying MDU would make more sense. Does anyone know a good video or a write up on spraying MDU and/or Dipping? Thanks all! PS: What is the solution they dip the lures into the "clean and clear" up the lure? The one that cleans the bill as well?
  4. I have three of them I think. Look great, but honestly I have yet to use them. I did like the fact he responded to my message and offered to custom make some more me etc. All pretty cheap still as well. If he didn't have the blank I would have to send it to him.
  5. I've got stencils from the guy on eBay linked above. Luckycast. http://www.ebay.com/usr/luckycastlures?_trksid=p2047675.l2559 He answered all my questions and he's also a vet.
  6. Here you go. I don't know them nor have done business, but found this one their site. 503-330-1103
  7. Oh, forgot to ask, what do you guys use to clean your brushes you use to apply epoxy? Also found out you guys were right, I ended up using 5 min set time DevCon last time.
  8. Thanks all for the help, I really do appericate it. I made two new lures last night. I'll be ordering some new supplies to do top coats this weekend, including a cheap rotator that's cordless that fits my specific needs for size, etc. I wish I had a garage lol. You can see my newest lures. (only my third set) https://www.facebook.com/garyrosenbergfishing/ The first pic is there. I made a yellow and black one as well. Found lurepartsonline.com sells a rotator pretty cheap. They also have other parts I've been trying to find locally as well so I'm gonna place a sizable order this weekend. Once again, thanks a lot for dealing with my questions and great resource you all have built here. Looking forward to contributing as I increase my skill set.
  9. Thanks Bob, Looking for something "easier" to use. Also need something that doesn't take up a lot of space, a rotator will increase the space I need as well as storage. Which in downtown Chicago is very expensive real estate. I'm gonna give the KBS a try. Seems like a good amount for low cost too.
  10. Thanks guys, I found the stuff at Michaels, ended up trying the spray stuff, just to test. I'll get the Etex soon and try it out.
  11. I hated Epoxy, dried far too fast. I'll try to find it locally but didn't see anything on google shopping, i'll look at their local dealers on their site and see what I can find. Thanks guys.
  12. Hi All, I'm new to the forum and new to airbrushing lures, but so far it's fun. I used Devcon last night and I'm not a fan of brushing on, and how quickly it hardens. Plus I feel it's too thick for plastic. So I'm looking for something I can dip and buy local. I live in a condo so I need it to be able to be done inside my home. I want to buy some today because I'm super impatient lol. Otherwise I might just order some of that KBS Diamond. I live downtown Chicago. Thanks, Gary
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