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Everything posted by BHLures

  1. BHLures

    BT shrimp molds

    I have 2 bass tackle 3" shrimp molds 3 cavities each. Paid $80 new. Only shot a dozen times, shoots perfect laminates too. Great molds but not what I need. Will take $130 for both.
  2. BHLures

    has anyone heard from Bob?

    His phone is now out of service. Not good.
  3. BHLures

    has anyone heard from Bob?

    I've been waiting since Nov. when I sent an email about custom work, he responded in about a week. I just sent another email last night hoping for an update. I'll post when/if I hear back. It took just as long last time I ordered from there so it's nothing I'm worried about yet. But then I haven't spent anywhere close to $4500.
  4. Looks like your glitter is curling which would suggest you're getting hotter than 350. Check your thermostat for accuracy. If Frank is getting same results at 380 I'd say thats likely what's it is.
  5. Though I think most hand pour guys will tell you to go steel pot and ladle for consistency. Presto pots loose pressure as they empty causing you to constantly adjust.
  6. There are a lot of options out there but you'll have to step outside of lure making. I found the candle industry has more available to shop from on-line. Especially for the hand pour guys. Also, they really are not hard to make. Start searching forums, you tube, etc.. Lots of good info to be found. If I were building a dual set up I would start with a heated blending block from Ultra Molds. You'll have to buy their injectors though (which I really like that he offers offset injectors too). Pretty simple set up really. Then there are stirring systems. Nothing wrong with the ones available through lure making suppliers. Not that difficult to make either. All depends on your skill set and what you're willing to spend. Hope this helps and good luck.
  7. Agreed. They could remove any part of it they deem unproductive to the experience of the forum, close it from further comments, but leave the basic information up and let people decide for themselves. It had already proven to be affective in that regard. Maybe we need a sub forum for this sort of thing, keeping suppliers on their toes! Thats the last I have to say about it, I promise.
  8. Thanks for the explanation, really. I get it, I don't agree with it, but I get it. Awareness was my only concern. Will gladly move on.
  9. So he commented, then shut it down? That's not how you tell someone you're closing their thread. I never saw it.
  10. I read it. Thanks. It also answered my question of TU ethics on THIS topic. Please, delete if you feel members should not know these things before spending their money. Thanks.
  11. By the way, I'm not mad, this was not written in anger. I'm perplexed because this was an ongoing discussion by members about a topic in the bait making industry. An industry that I'm willing to spending my hard earned money in. It matters.
  12. I tried contacting the admin with no response so I feel I have to post this. Why was my Bears Bait thread taken down? There was nothing said in it that isn't true. This is one of the only few places with enough traffic to get awareness out. Bear has a whole bunch of pissed off customers and he's still taking money and ignoring them! Is that not a big deal in our little world? I would love to know if Bear is a paid sponsor here. It would be a very bad look on TU if they are willing to censor threads to hide a sponsor's lack of service. If thats not the case then please inform. No response from the admins is telling. There were several posts by new customers that said they wished they had seen that first and ordered with someone else. THAT is the whole purpose of keeping the topic up! Let people decide for themselves if they're willing to wait instead of being forced to wonder and be ignored. We only have a handful of places to order from so it's something important that needs to be discussed. So I'd love to hear your explanation. Does TU not value the ethical treatments of its members?
  13. He has his sale up today 10 - 20 % off! Time to pick up a couple more molds I've been wanting. He has his sale up today 10 - 20 % off! Time to pick up a couple more molds I've been wanting.
  14. Yeah Leonard's slide bar setup is exactly what I wanted. Three other mold makers tried to talk me into tail molds instead - I've already made my own. I want what I want, not what they want to make lol. I talked to Sarah at BT this spring about adding slide bars and making adjustments to a mold they have, she said they would do it but we're running at least 3 months out before she would even discuss it further. They were supposed to call me some time in Sept but never heard from them. I still plan on calling them back at some point for that project so I hope they're still interested in doing it. Bob at Bobs tackle shack does great work, I have several of his molds and love them. I was just scared to use him based on experience with difficulty reaching him. I think they're all good at what they do at the end of the day but I do feel I have the right guy though.
  15. His videos on FB sealed the deal for me. No one else I talked to could even show me a sample of a similar mold, much less a video showing it in action.
  16. Leonard with Baitjunkys got the job! Man he was easy to talk to and is already doing the type of molds I want. Can't wait to see my lure in a professional quality mold! Thanks again for the references guys, glad I signed up and asked.
  17. Thanks for all the replies. Very helpful indeed. I have a couple leads and will see where that goes.
  18. Hey guys, finally signed up after lurking for quite some time. I'm ready to have custom molds cut from my design after finally getting it just how I want it. Does anyone have experiences with CNC Molds n Stuff they could share? Any mold makers you've had great results with? I've purchased stock molds from 4 or 5 of the usual suspects but nothing custom until now. Any help or comments are appreciated. (I did a search on them and didn't get much)
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