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uttexas last won the day on March 16 2017

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  1. I'd try experimenting with hydrodynamics also. Weighing down the top rear of the wood bait a little by drilling a hole and filling with baking soda and dropping in some super glue (baking soda is more dense than wood) Drill a hole at the front top of the bait and filling with pool noodle foam, then seal with thin layer of epoxy. This will have the wood lure nose up/plane up a bit more on retrieve making it run less deep. Other thoughts--shave down the length of the lip or change the lip angle to more perpendicular to the lure.
  2. Other techniques I've used to add weight to soft plastics 1. glass glitter (in the embossing section at Hobby Lobby/Michael's 2. wire snips + metal coat hanger--about 1/4-1/2 inch snips
  3. Tackle Warehouse sells the sand cast Do-It molds
  4. Have you experimented with adding silica?
  5. All good options above. Another would be to insert a glass rattle for an eye ball effect (traditionally used to give eyes to Zoom flukes) Here's a screen shot of Captain Dave's video on how to do it. If you first coat the rattle with a generous amount of Loctite superglue, I'd guess it would stay in there longer.
  6. I imagine the tails are very thin. Might be getting blocked off with a metal sheet. Things I'd try 1. Aluminum foil sheet instead of thin metal--foil is more flexible and you will get more liquid plastic where you need it to go. if that doesn't work 2. shoot the tails first (shoot a lure without a laminate sheet, then cut the tails off and put them in the mold, then place the aluminum sheet in the mold and do the laminate process) 3. Hand pour half the mold (except for the tail), then close the mold and shoot the rest with the other color. 4. The last thing I'd consider, and don't recommend doing it unless absolutely necessary, would be to cut more channels in the mold or make the channels wider
  7. The two replies covered my recommended additions. Yep, that's all you need
  8. Yes, and the process of lure making keeps you sane its a fine line
  9. Homemade swimbait on DIY 9/0 underspin
  10. This might give you some ideas. i used 7/0 and 9/0 screw lock weighted hooks, floral wire, Solder, soldering iron, JB weld, wire form with loop at end, small split ring, swivel, to size 3 and size 4 willow leafs. Bent the wire form at about a 55 degree angle, wrapped the wire form with floral wire onto the hook. Soldered, then JB weld. There's room for improvement on this design, but they work.
  11. Always wanted to try VAC 50. I do like POP for soft masters and silicone for more rigid materials. I've had the worst luck with fiberglass resin---It was winter time (cold) and it shrank too much when it set.
  12. Welcome You are blessed with one of the most beautiful countries on earth.
  13. Welcome! hope you catch some good ones on those cranks
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