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Everything posted by Sticko

  1. Dave, Could you be so kind and send me your calculation? kosticvladan@gmail.com Just one question: I'm using balsa wood for my lures. If I submerge shaped piece of balsa into water, it will absorbs some of water. How to do Archimedes to get data about material density? Do you protect balsa lure with some coating before test? Regards
  2. Thanks for the fast reply
  3. Hi, I just found in one online shop Createx paint, but there are some differences between them. There are: transparent, roof, pearl, fluorescent and chameleon-flowing colors. Which one do you recommend? What color shades are must have for beginners?
  4. I agree to this. Take a look at this video: Five lures with only difference regarding balast.
  5. I apologise for not starting new post for this subject. I posted the question here because I wanted to link it with previous text and photos. I admit, this is my mistake. In order not to make new mistake by asking more questions, can I move previous post to new subject? Or may I ask admins to do it? Anyway Dave, I really appreciate your opinion and I would like to continue this conversation.
  6. I tested the lures in my bath tube, but with two sizes of lips. When I use larger lip, lures have some instability. I will try to explain. Lure works stable on slower retreat, but when I speed it up (like running in fast river), lure get instability like frighten fish. It doesn't make loops and jump out from water, simply act like fish trying to avoid predator. It fastly change the running line, and come back on it. When I use smaller lip size, lures are more stable, and doesn't act like I described. Now I'm confused what lips to leave on them. What do you think?
  7. These are my trial 40mm lures with higher ballast in the body in order to get instability and hunting action. I was drilling a holes in a lure body, but not in 90 degree's. I was experimenting with a different angles. Drilled holes are slightly deeper than marked. Have anyone tried something similar? When a trout season starts, I will know if I get it right  Maybe this idea can be helpful to others. Cheers
  8. Thank you guys! You helped a lot!
  9. I got some free time to do the first trial. This is the result... What do you think?
  10. Thank you guys for your instructions! I will use them in future attempts to make such kind of a lure. I will post here results, as soon as I achieve them in order to help others. Cheers
  11. It's quite easy to do it What for I can use density data then?
  12. Thank you Dave for your answer. Unfortunately I don't have it, and even if I have it, I don't know how to do the test. I have read somewhere that belly should be a little bigger (1mm for example) then the back of the lure. I'm trying with that idea plus playing with a weight...
  13. Hello to everyone on this forum. I was trying to make a balsa lure that it wobbles when sinking, and on retrieving you can twitch it. I have some experience in making balsa twitch lures for trout, but I can't manage to make jig that wobble when sinks. I'm not sure that I explained correctly, it is like Gachi Jig of Samongachi - Japanese lure maker. Here is a YouTube link of this lure in action: I appreciate any ideas and help. Vladan from Serbia.
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