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Tiderunner last won the day on December 29 2024

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  1. Finally had a chance to shoot some baits with the LC. No issues with hard packing though. It was a saltwater blend, the hard stuff sometime can be iffy to work with but other than a lot of micro bubbles it seemed OK. I hate bubbles. I can probably go to a less expensive blend, and get the same results. Still Looking into a vacuum chamber. Yeah, I'm that fussy. Need to install another electrical circuit before I do that.
  2. the only way I get consistent laminates is with a laminate plate. Not very efficient. Can't do 3 color laminates either.
  3. https://store.do-itmolds.com/Do-It-Line-Grip-Swivels_p_726.html #7 Line Grip Swivels - Ebay, Amazon, Temu, Barlows, etc Take your pic, I'm thinking they're all coming from the same place
  4. How about fire tiger? Orange and limetreuse laminate?
  5. It almost seems as if that little bit of black on the side was a skin inside the mold, yet it somehow still looks like a laminate. In one pic it looks as though the darker side, not the black, is made by using glitter. It seems as though the non- darker side has very little glitter. Or maybe that darker side is some sort of black pearl mixed in the red. Or maybe just a pin tip amount of black stirred into the red, with lots of glitter? I think there are a few ways you can make this color combo. None of them easy. Maybe easy isn't the word, time consuming seems more like it. If you attempt these , let us know how it works out.
  6. I'm not seeing a "swirl" but just a shading of black. I'm with you on needing a dual injector but without the two plungers connected so you can control the mount of black in the bait. Unless I'm seeing this wrong. It looks like just a bit of black along one side. It doesn't look like you need a deep black. Just enough black colorant to make it transparent so the red still shows through. It's only a picture but it looks like the flake is .015
  7. Lure Works Clear Red 167 with some black, and a black laminate?
  8. I checked it out. The seller is also charging 24.95 for shipping. Add sales tax to that which ebay adds automatically and I may as well by 5 from Do It.
  9. Received an email from UPS that a package delivery from MF Manufacturing is scheduled for delivery tomorrow. !/18. Not bad. I ordered last Sunday. This is just my colorants from MF that nobody else has in volume that I got tired of ordering binky 2 oz bottles from other places. Seeing how smoothly this went. I will go over MF's list of colors they have that show in stock, and send another order. Now if only there was plastisol available from them.
  10. I typically fish deep water, so I may have to order some of this stuff to try. The senkos I weighed come in around 10-10.5 grams. I make my stickbaits at around 12-12.5 grams. So it might be worth a try. It wouldn't be the first time I bought something for bait making that got tested and not used. I actually have 10lbs of glass sandblast beads to be delivered tomorrow. And 5lbs of salt to turn to powder. So plenty of stuff to add weight to my baits. Sometimes I wonder If I should just send my money to Mr Yamomoto. Nah. My homemade stuff is better than his. But I gotta wonder if he started out this way.
  11. I have tried just about every brand. So I'm sure at some point I must have used LC plastisol. I typically beat the daylight out of my gallon jugs, so not too worried about hard pack. The cost for the LC stuff was about the same as MF. And while on the subject of MF. I haven't been charged yet. So I'll continue to wait. Hope all works out well for them. Getting their health back is more important than a gallon of plastisol.
  12. I typically use glass beads and or salt to add weight. What exactly is Do It HD Sinking Additive-91384? Has anyone here used it?
  13. Placed an order with MF this morning. Small order. Let's call it a test order for my two favorite colors. On the payment page this is what was written... "At this time we do not charge your credit card until your order is ready to ship. There are several items that are out of stock, we are seriously short handed and there are some family health issues. We will ship your order as fast as we can. You can reach out to us with the information below. We should be able to find some help eventually, we think everyone understands how it is to find good help." We will see how it goes. And I will report back. I have my LureCraft plastisol that just came in. First time trying it. Have my glass sandblasting beads on order. A couple new molds on order. Almost ready to start cranking up production. Hip replacement next month so after that I'll have lots of time to play with plastic.
  14. First order of the year. A gallon of soft and one of medium from Lurecraft. A bit pricey so I'm hoping it's some good stuff.
  15. I now see a Dark Cinnamon on the new LureWorks site. I also found a color there that will be perfect for making a perch laminate swim bait. Thanks for helping me out!
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