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Everything posted by Rann

  1. Rann

    Hookers Hopper DSC07451.JPG

    This hopper blew my mind. Great job!
  2. Congrats on the win, you deserve it!
  3. Rann

    Creepin' duck

    Absolutely awesome!
  4. Rann

    The "Warhawk"

    Thanks! Look forward to seeing the ones you're working on.
  5. This crawdad is absolutely beautiful.
  6. Rann

    The "Warhawk"

    Basswood popper turned on my lathe and airbrushed. The eyes and mouth were hand painted by me and almost drove me back to smoking by the time I finished!
  7. I love those old Creek Chub baits but the beetles in my area are extremely rare and online prices for originals were too much for me, so I just made one for myself. Not exact, but good enough for me.
  8. Rann


    A small topwater crankbait with glass eyes. Basswood turned on my lathe and airbrushed. I kinda went wild on the paint job but I like how it turned out.
  9. A fun little topwater mouse. Lathe turned wood, metal ears, paracord tail, meticulously hand painted by my wife.
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