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BigBaitB last won the day on October 25 2017

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  1. I'e never heard of gum plates, is it just rubbler?
  2. Is there a way to tell exactly what density it is? I'e used the stuff they sell for model airplanes, but what I'm using now came from a local woodworking store, I didn' see anything about what the density was on the sticker tho
  3. Out of the 3 pieces I bought one was much denser then the other 2.
  4. It was almost 2 weeks since the bait had been finished. There was no tackiness, I' extremely careful with mixing it. As careful as I can be at least
  5. You'e got lots of option on buying a mold for open pour. Lurecraft has more then a few, stankx has some a little more unique and most companies have 1 or 2 at least. And making your own isn't as hard as you would think, just a little time consuming. But twice as rewarding when that 1st tank bass destroys one
  6. I use lurecrafts olive, it' the powder one for the top color and lurecraft pearl white for the bottom color with green hi lite in both
  7. I bought a ton of balsa and I'm not seeing what all the old school guys like about it. I had a bill brake out on the 1st outing and all the wood between the bill and the line tie went with it. It's also easier to ruin a bait then it is make one look good. I'e put down the razor and carving knife all together and use sand paper to do all my shaping once the blanks are cut. I also noticed the hooks are poking through the e-tex top coat and into the wood I'm sealing with fast drying polyurethane and epoxying in all my hardware. I let the last batch soak in the polyurethane longer on my latest batch hoping this hardens the wood more and helps the lips breaking out and hook points penetrating the top coat
  8. Can we get a list of places to buy jig molds started? The only decent selection I know of is do-it but I know there' gotta be more
  9. BigBaitB


    I went for more of a burnt orange color
  10. BigBaitB


    If anyone is interested I got one I'm happy with and posted it on the recipe thread
  11. For the few people who might want it I got a carp recipe I'm fairly happy with today Top color 1 cup plastisol 3-5 drops red 6-10 drops yellow Barely and Lumina copper powder Gold glitter Black glitter Copper glitter Bottom color 1 cup plastisol 1/8tsp pearl powder
  12. BigBaitB


    These are what I have come up with. I like the lighter orange one but when I went to try and duplicate it I got no where close These are a mix of orange, copper, pewter and olive in all different amounts trying to get that burnt orange kinda look
  13. BigBaitB


    Does any one have a recipe for a carp color? I've come close I think but can't get one I like
  14. Thank you sir! All I'm missing now is some kind of tubing so the line doesn't cut through the bait and it will be good to go
  15. I know it took a while but I just put one up in the gallery if you still would like to see
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