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Everything posted by Sudd

  1. Sudd


    Yeah Bob I've had good luck with the minwax polycrylic. Just thought maybe trying something different. I do make a lot of baits as I've got my business. I'm really not liking the thought of doing the epoxy but I was going to give it a shot and see if it was worth it. If not I was just going to continue with dipping them in polycrylic. A can last forever and I just dip hang and go. Any suggestions on better dipping clears that's not expensive?
  2. Sudd


    If I use D2T for clear coat what do you all do about brushes? Do you change brush after everytime it sets up? I mean no way to clean epoxy off brush correct? Also i checked both lowes and depot and neither had the 2T, where do you get this stuff? Also is it a absolute that i have to have a drying wheel?
  3. Wow I tried brushing lacquer today as a clear coat and my paint started coming off!! Can't use that stuff! Looks like I may just start using d2t and put it on with a brush and let hang dry. This is business production so I have to use something good but not real expensive. And this was over lacquer paint which makes NO sense!
  4. Wow I tried brushing lacquer today as a clear coat and my paint started coming off!! Can't use that stuff! Looks like I may just start using d2t and put it on with a brush and let hang dry. This is business production so I have to use something good but not real expensive.
  5. Yes a clear over lacquer. For shine and protection of the paint
  6. Ok you are talking about lacquer paint as well correct? Cause I use lacquer paint and going to try the minwax lacquer clear gloss.
  7. You saying let it dry overnight after 2nd coat or dip 2nd coat then dry overnight?
  8. No I have not. Fill me in on them?
  9. So you get good shine and protection with it? I haven't tried it just yet but I've already got it to try.
  10. I'm thinking about switching from the urethane top coats to epoxy. What are the cheapest but best way to go. My baits are urethane foam and painted with lacquer. I want a high shine but a durable but non crackable finish. Thanks!
  11. Actually I figured it out Thanks!
  12. also what is meant by a "breaker" of water?
  13. Ok so is the dunk test done without weight hooks or anything? The link didn't really say. Do I mold just the foam bare to do the dunk test? I'm confused a bit.
  14. A question I have is this, I use alumifoam and no matter the weight I've tried a I cannot get my baits to sink! What do you have to do to get resin foam to sink?
  15. Has anyone tried or used the minwax brushing lacquer (which i would be dipping them in it) for lacquer pained baits? I was using the minwax polyurethane gloss, but it seems to be leaving a slight amber tint especially to the lighter colors like white.
  16. Ok this is what I done and it works like a charm. I took a plastic bin and fastened a pipe to it with a slide damper. I then put a pvc Y and put on the pipe. I used a leaf blower and ran a hose from the end of blower to the Y making sure it's blowing AWAY from the bin. The air flow is so strong it acts as a suction right at the bin. (Does not blow back into bin). No fumes are nowhere near anything electrical. It will suck a price of toilet paper almost out of your hands. The problem is it's noisey but the blower is outside my building. The bin in in front of window with the pipe sticking out window. Best thing I've come up with for spraying flammable paints and such.
  17. I know those booth says not for flammable materials, but why would they put a sparking motor in one? Also aren't those fans enclosed anyway in those booths? I've got one of those similar to the Master coming, and I want it to work for spraying lacquer or I've just wasted my money.
  18. Why does most all paint booths you buy say do not use flammable materials? I mean if you're painting, some folks like me has to use lacquer isn't that the purpose of the booth?
  19. So even with a portable fan in front of the window, I shouldn't put a filter over it?
  20. Ok thanks I will just set my reg box fan in front of the window blowing outward and wear my respirator. Don't want to blow anything up!
  21. If I put a furnace filter in front of that fan I put in my homemade booth and sprayed into the filter and let the fan pull it through and out the vent pipe, would that make it safe?
  22. Yes I can set a fan right in front of the window. I use a respirator when I paint.
  23. I just got a booth off of eBay, what would be the best to use until it arrives? My shop is only a 10x12 so I have to vent it somehow.
  24. I'm a little concerned. I've made a paint booth out of a plastic tub and a bathroom vent fan. I use lacquer paints because I love those paints. My concern is spraying into that fan right where the motor is. I feel this is not safe, but I need to vent out those fumes somehow. My paint table is right in front of a small window. So it's real easy to just stick my vent pipe out the window. Any suggestions on if this is safe or any better SAFER ways I can do it?
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