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Everything posted by Sudd

  1. Not sure if this is the right thread for this or not. But for a beginner airbrush painter, what would be a good kit to start out with, that paints fine lines and med to wide lines? I do not want to break the bank, something that is good quality but not too expensive.
  2. Sudd

    Alumilite 65D

    Well I found out after trying the 65D it wouldn't work, it is way too flexible for molding a crank bait lip. The mold is perfect and turned out an exact replica of the lip, but again to flexible. I'm going to have to use a liquid plastic of some sort that gets hard but will not break out of the crankbait.
  3. Sudd

    Alumilite 65D

    Anyone ever use Alumilite 65D?
  4. ??? I didn't have any deep divers on FB. You must be thinking of someone else?
  5. I canceled the order of alumilite clear and went with their performance 65D. Thats what they recomended because it has a bit of flex to it while still rigid, so it should hold up without breaking. Its just translucent not water clear but that shouldnt be a probem.
  6. Yes that was my dad and his 3 brothers. Since I now have my own bait business, I'm going to do my best to bring them back as close as possible. I have the original patterns to make the molds, which I'm in process of doing now.
  7. Where you from? My dad and uncles use to have Suddeth bait co in SC. They made the popular Little Earl.
  8. Ok thanks, yeah the mold is gonna be made from alumilite silicone. I did go ahead and ordered the clear (not water clear) Just their clear resin from make lure. So hopefully I can get these made. This was a lip that was in a crankbait my uncles designed back in the 80s and made and sold. They sold the bait business out, and the mold for this lip is long gone. I'm bringing this crankbait back and want it as close to the original as I can get as I have a bait business now.
  9. I'm wanting to make a mold for this Lip, my question is what can I use to to pour them. This lip is punched from lexan. It needs to flex just a bit so it won't break when stressed. Any ideas what I should use? I'm thinking about 2 ton epoxy but I'm not sure.
  10. Sudd

    Underspin heads

    Thats what I'm wanting but Not painted. I want them unfinished.
  11. It was a simple mistake on my part. I simply did not have it tight enough to seal. When I tightened it up I couldn't smell not one fume.
  12. Anyone know where to order bulk unpainted underspin heads?
  13. I've started injecting plastics, and I bought a new 3m paint project respirator. I run a fan beside me to push the steam and fumes out the door thats open on the other side of me. But sometimes I still get a whiff of plastic even with all that. What's up with my mask? Its brand new so I know its not time to change cartridges.
  14. Very informative video!
  15. For you guys that use heat guns, do you use the high or low setting?
  16. They turned out fine after re painting. I bake my Jigs with the head standing up. These are the first ones I've had do this, but they were smaller weights, so probably just kept them over heat to long. All is well now, Thanks guys!
  17. No oil or grease, I'm just thinking I heated them too much since I saw them smoking. I'm just gonna reheat re dip and re bake those that done that.
  18. Oops my bad wire baits was what I thought I clicked on. I guess I hit wrong one lol.
  19. I noticed today when painting some Jig heads that the powder wasn't sticking to good on some of the heads. It was like just melting off. Was this due to heating the heads too much? I did notice them smoking a good bit after dipping.
  20. I noticed today when painting some Jig heads that the powder wasn't sticking to good on some of the heads. It was like just melting off. Was this due to heating the heads too much? I did notice them smoking a good bit after dipping.
  21. I've been reading that glassware like the new Pyrex and Anchor are not to safe to use in microwave. Are there other better things to use to cook plastisol or will I be ok with my Anchor measuring cup?
  22. I'm getting ready to start making plastics, couple questions I have is, once I cook my plastisol and it turns back to liquid to use, how long can you pour before heating it back up? Also when I reheat it does it have to get back to 350°? I've got heat stabilizer as well
  23. Thanks, I just got the 3m painters respirator today off eBay for $15 new. All my bait making materials will be here next week. I hope to get good enough with plastics and Jigs to start selling them. I would love to turn it into a small business one day. My dad and his brothers had a handmade crankbait business years ago. Two of my uncles made a living from it. Dad he worked his reg job and the bait business. They sold out and the kids was not where we could purchase it. So its in my blood its all I've ever been around. So I'm excited to start this up!
  24. Ok thanks I only need to wear respirator while the plastic is hot correct?
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