thanks, I reached out and they were helpful with some tips. For those interested here is what they told me:
"Thank you. We do not have information on how Castin' Craft Mold Release Agent will work with our silicone rubbers. Instead, you will want to use our Mann's Ease Release® 200, applying it using the steps below.
1) Apply a light mist coating over the
entire surface of the model and surrounding
forms (any surface that will come in
contact with the rubber).
Do not over-apply!
2) Use a clean paint brush to brush the
release agent over the surface of the model
and surrounding forms. Make sure that
intricate detail, undercuts and hard-to-reach
areas are coated as thoroughly as possible.
3) Apply another light mist coating and let dry for 10 minutes.
Do not soak your model with release agent. Over-applying
release agent will result in tiny bubbles on the working surface of
your finished mold (pin-holing) and will be reflected in castings
taken from the mold. This is undesirable"
Ill give this a shot this weekend, hopefully round 2 is better