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  1. Lucky777


    What techniques did you use to get it so realistic?! Amazing work!
  2. How do you get the cracking look on the paint? That looks fantastic! Great job. Love the eyes.
  3. I went there last week and had to ask where it would be and showed him a pic. Walleyeking is right. they're in a display all by themselves. And yes, they only had a few colors but did have the color I needed.
  4. So I am looking at buying a dual injector set up and would like everyone's opinion. I like the Jacobs injector as it locks but is out of my price range for right now. I've seen some other injectors like Do-it and bass tackle but during my search I found a really good deal on a dual injector set up that I would like to get someones .02 on. I found this set up at baitmold.com [link below]. It's $100 for the blending block and both injectors. Just curious if anyone has tried these before. If so how are they. Injector Link
  5. Hey man! I saw a post you made when I was searching the forum for dent solutions and read a post where you said you use a pancake griddle for your injector and pyrex cups. How well does it keep both warm? Is it not a break risk for the Pyrex or anchor cups if you just leave them on there with plastic in them? Also, after your initial heating of the plastic, If you kept the temp on the griddle at 350, would you not have to put the cup back in the nuker to heat the plastic up to temp? Thanks in advance!

    1. Cub48


      Ok i put my injector on the grill and set it at around 300 F , i have my microwave on 8" blocks on my table next to my fan blowing out the window my pancake grill set in front of the microwave. I heat the injector while i heat the plastisol  in the microwave i take the plastisol out set on the grill stir it set back in  finish heating i roll the injector as i heat it.  Plastisol is ready i set it on grill stir it and inject until it is gone sometimes i will put back in for a few seconds  just to keep the temp up .i keep my grill at around 250 to 300 f most of the time have never had a cup break unless i knock it off the table . i shoot most of the time at around 300f or less the top will coat over after a little while but i will push it back and keep shooting i shoot 5 molds at a time  these are the baby shad shoots 14 at a time.  if u keep it stir before the top skims over  u have no problems, the cooler u can shoot the less dents u will have, also keep slight pressure on your injector for a count of ten or more then fill your spur. I still have some dents but not as many these are the ones i fish with LOL  or the ones i give away.  Also by heating the injector u don't have to clean the plug out if u get it hot enough before u start.  U will need a pad or glove to go around the injector as it is hot . i will cycle the injector after shooting and push the left over plastic out to blow the plug out then set it back on the grill . My pancake griddle is about 16" X 12" guessing, u can put 2 Qrt cups and injector  and have room. I also use it to heat jig heads to power coat them  Cub48

    2. Lucky777


      Cool! Thanks for the tip. I would have never of thought to use a pancake griddle. You think if I made a stand for the injector out of aluminum and put it on the griddle it would keep it up to temp? That way you wouldn't have to rotate the injector on the griddle. You could just simply insert the nozzle and the block would keep the whole thing hot. Or should I not even bother and just place it directly on there?

    3. Cub48


      i lay mine on its side and roll it every so often. if i using a twin i set the tips on the griddle. Cub48


  6. Thanks for the input Leonard. I'm aware that it could get expensive. Hopefully my design wont fail. Either way, I will post the results for others to see. Thanks again. Lucky
  7. I'm not trying to offend anyone or rip anyone off. I am just curious as to what kind of valve it was because I like the design. Yes I have my own little design (I am not trying to copy cat) but am trying to make the most efficient design that would work for the least amount of money. No I do not own a machine but I know a few people who run them and would help me out. I am OKAY with hard. I like a good challenge. Thanks for the input BJ! This is just for personal use. I am not intending to sell it. I love to DIY, hence I'm on here. I was just curious about the valve alone. Thanks.
  8. I'm looking into building my home made injection machine, I know these things can be very complex, and I was curious as to if anyone knew what kind of valve is on the Shooting Star injection system. I've searched and searched and I couldn't find anything. Is their valve for the manifold custom made or is it something that I can buy on the market somewhere? I can design the manifold and have it CNC machined but I am stumped right now on the manifold valve. I can't seem to find anything that comes close to it. I know the presto pots (bears baits version) come with a ball valve but I don't think the SSIS comes with that. Thanks for any insight.
  9. Thanks for the replies. I'll be headed into town this weekend and I'll try and pick up that powder from HL when I go get some more RTV.
  10. Does anyone have a recipe or might know something to get started with for getting an aquamarine color? I have a color combination I'd like to try and am looking for some advice. Could it possibly work if I used Lure works Emerald Green 121 and Fluorescent Blue 161? Thanks.
  11. In the long run yes you can save money after your initial purchases of the tools/ materials needed. I am new to it as well but looking at it I would say yes. I usually buy a Quart of plastisol to see which one I like best. But like I said I'm just starting out as well and after I find the plastic I really like for my application then I will end up buying a gallon and then work my way up from there. Hope this helped.
  12. I know there are glass rattles (worm rattles) that have a sharp point on one end that you can insert into a soft plastic lure. I've seen a few big name (saltwater) companies that have rattles already in them and was curious as to if anyone here knew how they did it? Do they have special inserts for their aluminum molds that they have to reload every time? Does anyone have a picture of they way they do it? Thanks. Just curious on the process.
  13. Awesome! Thanks guys! I just bought the above items for the recipe. I can't post the pics just yet due to legalities in getting a patent if my design works but I'll let ya'll know. Thanks again!
  14. I've tried searching the search engine here and google and all I could find is actual chicken recipes. Which is fine and all but it made me hungry so I am posting here before I eat some friend chicken. Does anyone know the color recipe for chicken on a chain? Do they just use watermelon with a little brown and clear plastic with glow powder? Any info will help. Thanks.
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