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Everything posted by ROD W

  1. ROD W


    Going to Minnesota in 2 weeks. I will see if the pike like my lures
  2. ROD W


    I see photos in the gallery of some real good looking baits. "Artwork" Baits are made to catch fish not set on display. How about some photos of home made baits that have had some serious fish attention. I'm talking Muskie, Pike maybe one of those Peacock Bass type gnawed upon. How about it?
  3. ROD W

    Collared props

    Not sure about the collared prop. Jann's Netcraft sells the prop and washers. Probably would get the same results. This is what I use on my prop baits.
  4. ROD W


    Great job
  5. Carved out of cedar #4 treble hooks run about 18" deep slight wobble
  6. ROD W


    This all made by hand? If so how difficult was that rotor?
  7. Great article in the June issue of In-Fisherman about wood fishing lures. Talks about the early handmade lures by James Heddon and the newer lures from guys like Phil Hunt owner of PH Custom Lures. Worth a read.
  8. Try it. I do the same thing and try different shapes. Sometimes good other times bad. But always a lot of fun Are you going to do those dots? If you don't already know use the head of a finish nail.
  9. Thanks. Got a lake in mind for this lure in northern Minnesota
  10. This would help a guy like me a lot.
  11. Found this old post. Did this idea die off? For me this would be great to get new ideas and learn. Make lures, will travel
  12. To get access to a hot farm pond, I made a lure featuring the pond owners favorite pro football team. Used those vinyl stickers sold at Office Depot. Used my home printer to print the image on the vinyl application and cut it to size. Looked great and the bass action at the pond is righteous.
  13. As guy who builds lures from scratch, this is a really good read. Thanks much appreciated
  14. I make and sell lures from scratch as a hobby. If your selling 5 a day you must be making some righteous baits.
  15. ROD W

    STEP 1

    Thanks. I'm having a lot of fun with this.
  16. I've been making top waters with screw eyes for about a year. Screw eyes work well with Pike and Bass. No problems. Never had a striper caught with one of them. Now these are in basswood not balsa.
  17. Thanks for the welcome. My wife's family is from Falls City so we have been thru your town many times
  18. Sorry, will not happen again. I was trying to show the level I was at. While I know this lure will catch fish. I need to refine my technique to get to the place where I feel good about posting on the gallery.
  19. Cut it out of a block of wood with a scroll saw. Then sanded it down to get the shape
  20. Facing retirement, my wife told me to either get a hobby or get a frying pan over the head. I chose to make fishing lures. I started with top waters and have since been making diving plugs. Still have a lot to learn trying to get better. Hopefully this site will help me out. I posted a picture of one of my lures.
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