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Everything posted by whitaker201

  1. Thank you Barry. I am going to make a few stencils to help me along. I am having trouble finding the air pressure sweet spot for doing detail work. I am going to have to break out some PVC or test plugs and work on it.
  2. You could use a drill bit the size of the hook eye to open up the mold a little. Just load the bit into a drill press and drill straight down into the mold so the hook you want to use fits. You can also use a deburring tool in your dremel. They have some very small sizes. I have found them at hardware stores like Lowes, Home Depot.....etc.
  3. A few crankbaits I've been working on. I still need to work on lowering the air pressure before spraying the kill spot and gills.
  4. I finished a spinnerbait mold last night. It is 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2oz cavities.
  5. Yes it can be done, but if you paying other people to do it it will be very costly. If you had the tools (3d scanner and CAD software) it can be done in a day or two.....depending upon how good your scanned data (STL file) is.
  6. I guess I am on the younger side at 36. This place has been a great place for me to shorten the learning curve when it comes to making baits. The amount of knowledge and the great members make TU an awesome place! I am still soaking up all the knowledge I can from this place.
  7. Looks great! I am setting up an area in my barn. I still have a few more things to do but I am getting closer. I just finished lighting and electric last weekend.
  8. Nothing new but something others may not have seen yet. I don't remember where I first saw these, but they are easy and cheap to make. Supplies: 2x4 1/8" dowel rod Alligator clips I cut the 2x4 into 3" sections. Next I drilled two 9/64 holes 1.5" apart (or whatever you spacing needs to be for the hook hangers) for the dowel rods. Cut the dowel rods to 4" sections and crimped the alligator clips on the ends. Last I glued the dowels in the holes of the 2x4's. That's it. Simple, cheap, and easy to make lure holders.
  9. If you like everything on the Do-it mold except the collar I would modify it with a dremel tool. I have added a barb to a skirt collar before like that.
  10. Like JD said, look for a river or stream with moving water.
  11. That is what I am going to use. I found some 2' LED strip lights at Home depot and Menards for around 20$. I'm going to get a few for overhead lighting and to use on the paint booth.
  12. Built a workbench and bought one this weekend. I almost finished up a paint booth too. I need to wire it still and add a light. It will be nice having an area to work in.
  13. I am going to break out a big sheet of paper one night to practice. I really need to, but first I need to build a few work benches and maybe a paint booth.
  14. If you are looking to stay on the inexpensive side I would look at: Harbor freight 3 gallon air compressor and its on sale for 40$ https://www.harborfreight.com/1-3-hp-3-gallon-100-psi-oilless-air-compressor-97080.html?ccdenc=eyJjb2RlIjoiNDY2ODI1MDUiLCJza3UiOiI5NzA4MCIsImlzIjoiMzkuOTkiLCJwcm9kdWN0X2lk IjoiMzY2NSJ9 I bought this air brush a few weeks ago so I do not know how well it will hold up but it was recommended to me from a guy on here: Royalmax 130 it is 22$ http://www.pecoglobal.com/product_p/rm_130a.htm I don't know how loud the compressor is but if you are working in a garage you should be fine. If you are working in the house that may be a different story.
  15. I am a newbie here but I enjoy learning about the history of this site. I found this site while looking for information about building crankbaits. I read through a ton of posts and lurked for a while then decided to join. This site has a ton of info available and a great member group that are willing to help others learn. Thank you to all past and present that keep this site growing!
  16. Thank you all. I'll try the gill slash a few (ok, alot) more times then if I still have trouble I will make a stencil.
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