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  1. McNeilco


    Thanks to all the guys who comment here on a regular basis and helped me in my last two threads. Although the imperfect mold is causing unwanted ribs in my Craws i thought id share just two color ways i've made. Green Pumpkin and my version of June bug, Also just finished up some white with silver flake but will wait for my "The Ripper" Mold to come in to shoot good quality photos.
  2. Believe me i'm with you on the first part of your comment, i may attempt on meticulously sanding it down to get a smoother finish and see what happens. I'm not trying to bad mouth anybody as i'm new to the forum and the world of pouring baits but i don't understand how a product like that leaves the door of a manufacturer. Ohwell i'll have to call it my Dimple Craw! Hopefully "The Ripper" Mold has flawless.. if not i'll be returning it and going to Baitjunkys for some Molds!
  3. Thanks mark, Will try this approach tonight. Cheers.
  4. Decide to call Do it Molds directly today to get the low down on this mold, apparently those imperfections are part of the design looks kinda shotty in my opinion not to sure how customers/friends will think of it but we'll give it a shot! I already know it catches bass due to my second cast being a solid 3lber.
  5. I believe I just made a remarkable discovery.. if y'all look at the picture on this link it has the same "imperfections" I think it's just a part of the design I'm guessing! My do it molds senkos has been turning out great 8/10 times! Here's the link zoom in on the picture! http://store.do-itmolds.com/ES-Beaver-Style-Bug-45-1-Cavity_p_1143.html
  6. Alright I'm going to go Down step by step on what I'm doing and what I'm using exactly for some critiqueing. Shake well ES Plastisol medium 8oz heat 30 seconds stir heat 30 seconds stir heat 30 seconds (gelatin stage) stir heat 30 seconds stir check temp around 320-340 at this stage. Add color, glitter etc.. Stir heat for 5 seconds to get back to that 320-340 area. suck up plastic inside bowl with injector squeeze out some plastic holding straight up and down. bring to mold inject mold even pressure the whole way through takes about 3 seconds to fill beaver bug ES Mold. top up sprue. Wait 2-4 minutes and inspect bait. still denting. Any help? So discouraging to keep having this happen, I've opened up the sprue a bit on the mold with a dremmel at this point aswell. I've got the Ripper coming in in about 2 weeks.
  7. I'm going to probably make a video of me making plastic tomorrow night I'll post it here so you can guys help me make some adjustments.
  8. This could also be my issue, I'm definitely stirring with a spoon or a flat head screw driver. Although when I withdraw plastic into the injector I don't see many bubbles
  9. thanks everyone! Going to return this mold to luremaking.com and get a CNC'd one as it sounds like CNC is honestly the only way to go for perfection. Being in canada I'm limited to molds as paying duty on molds would eat away my profit if I choose to sell them which is the game plan. Shojld i I stick with the ES plastic or switch to Aluminsol? I have access to both but want quality. Cheers guys.
  10. I Guess this would technically be a Side inject? My bad y'all i'm new.
  11. Hey guys, So far thank you for all the response as it's been greatly appreciated and i will apply all the help to my next batch when i get home tonight. This is the mold i'm using again the ES Beaver Bug Mold.
  12. Injecting port is at the top. Maybe i will try to add some softner to the plastic as its a medium plastisol from do it molds, just bought a gallon of it..
  13. Yes sir! Any advice on how to get rid of that would be greatly appreciated
  14. I purge everytime, will try it at 320. How long should I let it sit in the mold?
  15. Hey guys check out the link below.. if someone can make it show up without having to click the link that'd be awesome. i keep getting these inconsistent dents.. I've tried slower speed injecting, faster, more pressure after mold is full. Using ES beaver bug mold. Thanks for any help. Plastics around 345-355. http://tinypic.com/r/20utw7a/9
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