Alright I'm going to go Down step by step on what I'm doing and what I'm using exactly for some critiqueing.
Shake well
ES Plastisol medium 8oz
heat 30 seconds
heat 30 seconds
heat 30 seconds (gelatin stage)
heat 30 seconds
check temp around 320-340 at this stage.
Add color, glitter etc.. Stir
heat for 5 seconds to get back to that 320-340 area.
suck up plastic inside bowl with injector
squeeze out some plastic holding straight up and down.
bring to mold inject mold even pressure the whole way through takes about 3 seconds to fill beaver bug ES Mold.
top up sprue.
Wait 2-4 minutes and inspect bait.
still denting.
Any help? So discouraging to keep having this happen, I've opened up the sprue a bit on the mold with a dremmel at this point aswell.
I've got the Ripper coming in in about 2 weeks.