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Everything posted by winedngrind

  1. much appreciated! i tapered the tail to the belly and added a hardener. it swim much better from a slow and fast retrieve. thanks for all the help peeps!! ill upload some pix to the gallery when i'm finished.
  2. i know the feeling. i have been pulling my hair out for a month now with this. probably threw away like 3 molds before i found this forum. you guys are awesome! i talked to a guy early who shoots plastics and he said the same. he uses saltwater plastic or some hardener for the softer plastic. that should fix my issue. i placed an order to get some but i have to wait a week for shipping. ill try to add some salt tonight for shits and giggles. will see..
  3. will do. i need to research a little more then i thought. thanks again! ill do my research and get back with the results.
  4. do you think the softer plastic is making the tail bend back? i enforced the underbelly. after i reworked the swim bait tail it doesn't seem to fold back as much. but still does some. not sure if i should beef up the belly to the tail more?
  5. fucking genius bro! never thought about that. ill let know you know. thank again and appreicate the help! ill try and record some data.
  6. heres my design. at a faster speed. the tail seems to want to pull back a little bit and the boot tail doesn't kick back and forth. but a slow retrieve does? any insight is appreciated. i am using a softer plastic FYI. i have a medium hardener additive on order to try. is there something I'm just not getting? i made to different tails with different sizes and same results?
  7. Ok. thanks for all the tips! the tail does fold back anymore. I had to put a lil more back bone on the belly to the tail and modify the tail a lil. Why does the swimbait stop swiming when I retrieve rapidly. But swims good at a slow retrieve?
  8. ok. ill look into it. I normally use a softer plastic. is there an additive I can mix to make my softer plastic? I normally just buy what my guy has at the tackle shop up the street. I would ask him but dudes a lil sketchy and I'm not sure ill get the answer I'm looking for lol. thanks again for the tips and insight!
  9. thanks brotha! much help there. explains a lot. ill give it try this afternoon.
  10. Hello all, hows it going? i am new to here. i had a few questions about swimbait tails. If anyone can give some insight on what i missing it would much appreciated! in the past i designed and molded many worms and creature baits. recently i made a swimbait from bass wood and molded it from RTV. i let the plastic cure as normal. i tested it out in my pool and my "boot style" tail didn't swim correctly. the tail seem to just fold back? is there an angle or specific way they have to be designed? thanks! all help is very appreciated!!
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