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  1. I sent them an email and they told me they recently opened a new plant and these are their weed guards now. They said they still have a welded hub, it's just not as big as before. You can see in the images above they are nearly paper thin. I wish they still had the larger hub. These ones flare a bit on installation. These are likely the best ones available now, but the old ones were much better. Smalljaw, these are not the fuzzy ones.
  2. I recently ordered 1500 weed guards from fishingskirts.com I've used these for awhile now at the recommendation of you guys. The product description mentions the welded hub that makes these weed guards superior. The product image shows the hub. The packaging they arrived in also mentions the hubs and shows a clear picture of them. None of the 1500 weed guards have that hub. I got the plain old ones that flare if you even look at them too hard. Here is an image of their product photo with one of mine at the top left. I know they're having trouble getting shipments in, but this is pretty dishonest. Does anybody know if the BOSS weed guards at Tackle Warehouse are the real ones?
  3. Thanks for the help everyone.
  4. I don't have the packaging for the old ones, but all the new ones say FG30. But... I ordered 100 Owner 5304 hooks with this order and got two packs of 50 that aren't the same. One is black chrome, which matches all the ones I've ever used. The other is solid black. They're both the same shape, but when stacked on each other, they're a little different. Not sure if one pack is an older model or what's going on.
  5. Thanks smalljaw, I'll give them a try.
  6. Months ago, I bought my first brush guards in four different colors. Black, white, green and brown. They all worked great except for the brown ones. They had fuzzy stuff all throughout them and they flared badly when used. They seem to be a tiny bit larger. Pressing them in causes them to flare. I thought maybe it was just a bad batch. I just bought more brush guards, from a different website. I assume they all come from the same source. The brown are the same as before. Fuzzy stuff and flare when pressed in. Now the white ones do it too. The old white ones work just fine. I try the new white ones in the same exact jig and they don't fit. So, it's not the jigs. I tried them in unpainted jigs with the same result. It's not the paint. The "bad" brush guards are just slightly bigger than the others. Is this a common problem? Obviously I could drill them out, but I'm looking for a better solution. A better source? A better method? Any suggestions? Thanks for your time.
  7. I have some 5/0 5304s. They fit. But, is a 5/0 hook overkill for a 3/8 oz brush jig? I'm worried it will get hung up easier.
  8. cadman, I am using the BSH-3-SA mold. I am trying to use 4/0 hooks(Owner 5304) for 3/8 oz and 1/2 oz jigs. These hooks fit the 1/4 oz. SOME of the hooks fit the 3/8, allowing the mold to close. None of them fit the 1/2 oz. I called Barlow's and they tried the same hook on the same mold with the same results.
  9. Thanks for the reply. I would like to grind the mold down and use these hooks. I have never altered a mold before. I don't want to ruin it. I am looking for suggestions from anybody who has experience doing so. Do I use sandpaper? Dremel? If so, which bit? I'm hoping to benefit from someone else's trial and error.
  10. I ordered some 5304 Owner hooks for the Do-It Hidden Eye Brush Mold. I've seen some of you mention using these hooks with this mold. The 4/0 hooks do not fit. The mold will not close. I called Barlow's. The guy I talked to was very helpful. He went and got the same hooks and the same mold and his wouldn't close either. The hook eyes are just a little too small. So... I want to alter my mold to allow these hooks to fit. Have any of you performed this specific task? Any suggestions? Thanks for your time.
  11. Frank, I saw your video while researching injectors. Thanks.
  12. Frank, would you mind walking me through your process? Do you have the electric mixer? If so, is it worth $225?
  13. Thanks for the feedback, guys!
  14. If I were to buy something like the Jacobs Econo Series Injection Press, would that completely eliminate the need for the following? a microwave Pyrex cups a hand injector gloves safety glasses thermometer If so, the press would cost about $900 more than the above setup. ( I have an air compressor) Opinions?
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