Monte I got the sample you sent me put it next to a brewers very close design the paddle on the jacobs is a touch thicker. I've yet to get the sample from basstackle. Thank you monte
hmmm maybe one of my senko style baits with out salt might work with a jig head? I have fished for salmon a few times with out ever a bite this year i would like to at least hook into one. I just bought a camp which gets a run of salmon near by just trying to get my self ready im pretty new to the game of salmon....
Any one use soft bait for salmon? Most of the people I've seen using egg sacks and some times a hard body type lures during salmon run in rivers etc. Just wondering if any one goes soft bait route and if they have had any luck.
Any of you guys use soft bait for pike? What style do the pike seem to like? Ive always had luck with spoons but figured i might try soft bait too. I catch a lot of little pike but i know there are some big ones lurking among them they are just much more difficult to hook into and not have the line break.
Thanks srj but I got a hold of basstackle via a lady named sarah and she said she would get me over a sample bait of the 655 tiny ring bait. Do you like the action of the bait SRJ?? Also isnt it hard to shoot the baits i noticed each cavity has seprate injection ports which ive never seen or had?
I see bass tackle makes a 655 tiny swim bait and jacobs makes a 1.75 and 2in paddle grub. Do any of you guys have the molds and willing to make me sample baits would be willing to pay of course.
Hello guys,
Was wondering if there was a mold out there that makes baits similar to the brewers sliders i seen a few but not sure size wize they are alike width wise etc. Also if you had the mold how well the tails hold up as i hate lossing tails after just a couble of nibbles from perch.... looking for 1.5 to 2 inch size.
I tried the stingers today caught one 18inch large mouth, jack perch and a mess of crappie today on them. i was sitting on top of school but none the less i caught them and didnt loose any tails.
Bass tackle had the 669 mold to me with in a couple a days. I shot them today and wow I'm impressed with the mold, lam. plate, and tail mold. Every thing seems to be perfect with the design thanks guys can't wait to get them wet.
Im getting low on plastic so im going to order more from bait junkys . I really like that 669 mold though might have me sold on that too thanks guys for all the input widen my view a little much appreciated.
Sounds like the stinger type is common you guys shooting your stingers in medium plastic or going with the hard plastic?? problems with the tails being eaten off?? i noticed that the 669 stinger also has a laminate plate is that how you make them 2 toned? very interesting mold got me thinking....
Yes i loose the tails on the crappie dancers to little dink perch that hit it half dozen times per cast really annoying. The fish hit the tail for sure but i retrieve it back with out a tail. I like the idea of trying a harder plastic ive been using medium for all my baits... Im assuming the plastic is more difficult to tear the harder it is correct??
Hi im getting into making soft baits for fishing crappie and perch. Is there any that you guys recommend trying I have a 2 1/2 curly from bears i like that works well. I also have crappie dancer and split tail grub twister tail from jacobs baits. I notice that the crappie dancer tails get ripped of quickly by fish its ok but have to be sure to have a lot of them on hand to switch out. Any molds that you guys recommend for crappie or perch?