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Everything posted by Lurch4004

  1. Gliders thanks I am sure you are right, I tend to overthink these simple things sometimes. When I am learning about something I tend to go overboard on the work up which can paralyze me sometimes. Paralysis of analysis. Sonoman I checked out the videos, didn't actually have making a screw eye but the tail wrap video helped me to figure out how to do it. I thibnk Gliders is right that it would be overkill for minimal gain. Thanks to everyone else for sharing. Hope to make some traditional Striper plugs and a few for Musky plugs this winter.
  2. Yeah I was looking for this for larger Musky/Striper baits. I was told they are a stronger option then just the twisted, although I have no proof other than others experience. The barrel is one straight and the other twisted around it.
  3. Anyone know how to make a Barrel twist screw eye for larger plugs? Could you share a procedure.
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