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Everything posted by FishCandy

  1. FishCandy


    What happens after you design it? 3D print?
  2. Hi everyone, I worked out a way to recycle hdpe plastic and turn new lures out of it. The worst part of the process, by far, is chopping/cutting the stuff up. I need a way to grind up milk, soda, detergent bottles, etc-so I can melt the stuff. A short list of what doesn't work: blender, paper shredder, modified double cut saw, and probably anything that runs at a fast rpm. I have found some DIY stuff online, usually too expensive or just impractical. The main problem is hdpe is dense, flexible, and slippery. I've been trying to work out a cheap and easy method, but no joy. Maybe someone out there can come up with an out of the box, (or bottle), idea...
  3. Great idea. If I had a pickup I would totally make that thing, then have it powder coated at a local shop I know.
  4. That is a great idea. It would make a good dipping container for my primer...
  5. Wanted to find out how hard it would be to powder coat opposite sides a different color.
  6. Fourth version complete! Works really nice. Made from copper tube and sheet soldered together. Put it in the gallery...
  7. I found a picture of an antique lure from the 1800's. I thought it's a great design and set out to steal it. This is version number 4. The third one worked as intended, but was still delicate. This one is constructed of copper tube and copper sheet soldered together. Stainless steel center wire, and two nose grommets to act as sort of washers. It's surprisingly heavy for its size, casts nice, and retrieves with a little wiggle and a slow spin. Next up is to try a few more and powder coat them, but it's basically done. All I need now is for the tiderunner weakfish to start their run...
  8. I found a picture of an antique lure from the 1800's. I thought it's a great design and set out to steal it. This is the third version cobbled together from soda can and Capri Sun straw. Decided the weight was moot and removed it. This one stays under and spins! I had found a few more pics by now, and those showed the original sported a tail-not a bare hook. That seems to have made the difference.
  9. I found a picture of an antique lure from the 1800's. I thought it's a great design and set out to steal it. This is the second version cobbled together from soda can and Capri Sun straw. Trailing weight from first one was shifted to the center. I thought the weight was adversely affecting the spin. Turned out this one also did not spin well, still wanted to plane.
  10. I found a picture of an antique lure from the 1800's. I thought it's a great design and set out to steal it. This is the first version cobbled together from soda can and Capri Sun straw. Trailing a tail weight for plugs. Did not perform well. It wanted to sort of create lift and plane, rather than spin.
  11. Just tested the latest version. Turns out the secret to the whole thing is the flag at the end. I used a musky style streamer and it worked out perfectly. I'm going to hang one on the second version I made with weight in the middle, see if it works.
  12. In case anyone's interested... https://finandflame.com/pflueger-american-spinner-lure/
  13. Just found this pic, it's a Pflueger, but practically identical. Obviously a lure...
  14. Could be. At this point anything goes! I'm thinking take the weight out of the middle and start again bare bones.
  15. Great project. If I ever see a breadbox, I'm snatching it...+
  16. I used to do the same as geo. I buy them now because I use them for plugs, and the salvaged ones keep wearing out on me. The TYC ones I use now have metal innards instead of vinyl. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xrobust+motors+for+microwave.TRS0&_nkw=robust+motors+for+microwave&_sacat=0
  17. Jonnister, I didn't forget about you sir. I am going to get a few hooks tomorrow and try this thing. Stay tuned!
  18. If I blow on these things from the front or side, they spin like you'd expect. Put them in the water, and they want to hydroplane. Lots of wiggling going on, not much spinning. Has to be due to the water being so much denser than air. Rotation is being suppressed, and I'm getting lift, instead. The one with the weight on the rear was heavier, and only a little better. I wonder if this thing was supposed to be fished as just a spinner, with the real bait on the terminal end? By the way, found the lure. It's for sale on Etsy. It's called a McHarg Special Design. https://www.etsy.com/listing/557853163/extremely-rare-mcharg-special-design?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=vintage&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=fishing lure&ref=sr_gallery-1-34
  19. New prototype. Still need to go test. I'm making them out of soda cans. Too thin, and deforming when I cast them, so I made this one double and folded the edges of one over the other. Good enough for quick testing.
  20. Arrrg! I didn't think to try to find out! It was just a random picture I found and liked. Now you're gonna make me have to try and find it again!
  21. Nice work cuz! I purchased the same gun to spray the spro style bucktails and the same spoons you got there. Haven't gotten around to the spoons yet. I keep getting distracted by new project ideas. I'm going to have to start writing them down and attacking them one at a time! I've been thinking of trying to powder coat some hooks, the trebles always seem to rust much quicker than single hooks.
  22. Thanks cadman. The bead in the middle stumped me. I just got back from testing, and I think the weight I put in the back should be where the bead is on the original. Looking at it again, I'm thinking the bead is both weight and clicker that slides on the shaft and clicks on those flower shaped star washers. I need to redesign a bit; cut the weight in half, widen the cutout in the middle, cut out the middle of the tube to make room for the weight.
  23. I found this lure online, and decided to try my hand at copying it. My buddy and I want to target tiderunner weakfish this season, I think this might work.
  24. There is a heat resistant tape made exactly for this: https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-7835/3M-Masking-Tape/3M-233/401-High-Temperature-Masking-Tape-2-x-60-yds?pricode=WB0158&gadtype=pla&id=S-7835&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwYuzsMSC2gIVmoizCh1kngBtEAYYASABEgK9_vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
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