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Everything posted by FishCandy

  1. You can try NJtackle.com or http://lisaandedseyes.ipage.com/
  2. Sketchup works for me. The below link goes to a .jpg for a popper. Pretty easy to use, let me know if you need any tips. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPFct9GU06f6ts30XocWj6vsCRnGKMXd3L9r297
  3. From top to bottom: The red jig is the five layer jig. Next one down was Solarez for first layer, with two more alternating powder and Solarez. Third one down is one layer of powder first, followed by Solarez. Last one is black magic marker with powder directly on top of it, then Solarez, followed by powder and Solarez again. These were all fresh jigs, still shiny from the mold. The bottom one is powder coated with a mini sand blaster gun, for comparison. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/qtR1Mv86e6vNy5eyAf-qhjEvttxc5UR2OoA12uRHxep9tMlQncLgsZJb3pcwvmI0s-uavadCdDRDNWkUAjUWJyWqtssZFFmVvRCTV3JtuL5ny7E1xJDSuAydbSru2j7bIaqMvSl-C2Isr3flX5qGKTL237oB4l4_myz7nU_bblf6mR9_gOQSdxRKl6BREHgDbc3SD4HU22_I2HWZ064XnZleeHGi7QuHlUwihtXRT8Y2r4M8eZOjtManL7IcCPvhoJnJnqdtaSNWtXDeu6sp_jK2x0SNqQZmBUrtsPRk6s8Y3MEgSSe5xTBI6sHajf8qguAZFEoFQ6ltXSWBc7kyHxIsY1muSLjB1bcGMPB5z5WufZ1UcOIzYcSmOyRAyMVv24BrQ5plAJrS0Kc1h4pa-771LhTH8nia4YfkCJCUS_N-Gm_bI0gv5P9bzIeztmocs02voWysZgTbczbOk1umHScQ-vRpk5pygKihbdZBJMxVcPiVF30jxvIlaCLpz0CVcTL_J2lcVmtX3ZKQMVInReqKma7XN-82GWv_ft9f5xrxyXZckS5_2tBa-Q6DFDOp4s_SW26gTnmpfpkm_NdnMciRFfwBOsekFrMCCrs=w929-h1238-no
  4. From top to bottom: The red jig is the five layer jig. Next one down was Solarez for first layer, with two more alternating powder and Solarez. Third one down is one layer of powder first, followed by Solarez. Last one is black magic marker with powder directly on top of it, then Solarez, followed by powder and Solarez again. These were all fresh jigs, still shiny from the mold. The bottom one is powder coated with a mini sand blaster gun, for comparison.
  5. Ok, further experimenting with the nail products did produce a really nice chrome effect. The trick is multiple layers. First layer was a dip of Solarez, next the powder, and so on. There is a major problem, though. I specifically wanted to use this on ultra minnow, (spro type), jig heads. The alternating layers of Solarez and powder completely overwhelms the details molded into the body. It took five layers of Solarez and four layers of powder to visually fill in spaces between individual sparkles to the point where it looked like one solid surface. In hindsight, it makes sense. I think the whole thing depends on a completely smooth surface in order to achieve the proper light reflection. Any breaks in the surface completely disrupts the effect. I can see using this on a hard bait by using a mask to apply silver sides, then applying a water slide decal with a transparent scale pattern on top, and a final coat or two of epoxy. I think epoxy layers could also take the place of the Solarez, but of course with the added drying time.
  6. Well, the nail products were a bust! Basically looks like glitter. Oh well...
  7. It's plain water based but can also be used under and over oil and latex paints. Stain blocking, and blocks tannin stains from cedar wood-good for me 'cause that's what I use. Label says dries in an hour, which is technically right, but it's still kind of a soft surface at that point. I let dry for at least 3 hrs but I really prefer overnight. When it's fully dry, it forms a nice hard and smooth surface. I sand with 220 before airbrushing, just to have a tooth and smooth out any imperfections. I also use a brush to get into the eye sockets before I dip, otherwise it likes to form an air bubble in there that pops and leaves a bare area. I buy a gallon, and use a big syringe to transfer some to a plastic "can" that was the package for tennis balls. Works out nice.
  8. I just received this stuff in the mail. It uses a uv cure clear coat. I'm going to try it on some buck tails as soon as the uv resin arrives. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XFBH8FL/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. I use the Aztek paints and like them. The opaque colors can be a bit of a pain, I have to keep an eye on the needle tip and clean off accumulated paint. The pearls are awesome, as are the metallics. I wait for the fifty percent off coupons at Michael's. I used to use a lot of white for a base, but then I started just dipping the lures in Bull Eye 123 primer.
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