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  1. I have that mold. Somewhere I read you can flip the line grip swivels it is designed for upside down and use them (kind of a two for one option). If you just want a mold with a brass eye, I would consider mold # 1169. https://store.do-itmolds.com/Bell-Sinker-with-Brass-EyebrSz-18-14-38-12-58-34-1-1-12-2_p_586.html
  2. Sorry, should have looked at the shipping cost. It isn't a bad product, it is gray in color. I'm typically making black or green baits so don't notice it. Not sure what it would do for a more transparent color.
  3. I use it and like it. I find it makes baits sink like salt, but baits tend to be tougher than with salt. I saw an add on ebay 5 containers for $25. I know nothing about the seller but here's a link if it helps... https://www.ebay.com/itm/176784125197?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=2Cv8C_yoRey&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=4l6-6f1vsra&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Do it Molds has some in their X2 colorant. Not sure if it's what you are looking for. https://store.do-itmolds.com/X2-Colorant_p_312.html
  5. Enforcer baits has a nice one - https://www.enforcerbaitmolds.com/product-page/eggcluster-bait-mold Basstackle also has a egg sampler mold with one as part of it. And there are prob others
  6. I'm curious what you use to thin the folkart paints. I've tried a few times and have had mixed results, with none being what I would call good.
  7. Anyfish


    More of a request, but I'd be interested in seeing what you have. If you want to PM a list or post here, I'd be happy to make an offer on some, part, or a lot of it.
  8. The original post is several years old, so you may not get many responses. There are probably 1000s of videos and articles that you could read and get different information. My suggestion is to start out small. Pick a few colors you think are good and give it a go. Some suppliers sell starting kits of paint, that include a handful of colors at a lower price. The paints are lower volume, so overall you will want to expand and buy other paints someplace. Check out barlows, lureparts on line, etc. Do It Molds created a bunch of videos for those starting out that may be of helpful. They cover various topics. If it helps, here is a link. https://store.do-itmolds.com/how-we-do-it-finishing-and-paint-videos Hope it helps.
  9. Not sure Les. I may have to give it a try just to see. I'm sure you'll figure it out.
  10. Hi Les. I previously saw someone say a 12-penny coated sinker nail, remove the point and sharp edges and clean it in some lacquer thinner to take the coating off and have fun. I haven't tried it, but it may work. Have fun.
  11. I have mutiples of the AI 4" version (makes 4 baits) and the skirt mold (makes 2 skirts) that goes with it to make hula grubs. If you are interested in a set at a decent price, send me a PM.
  12. I haven't tied large inline spinners but I have tied a lot of streamers of various sizes. I find it doesn't move like bucktail, goat or similar. I usually use it in combo with other hairs. I would guess the run depth would be more related to weight of the spinner and not the hair. I have never had an issue tying it down. I just secure it and use head cement or nail polish on the thread. I haven't used it for pike or muskie but don't know why it wouldn't work. Hope it helps.
  13. It is a nice mold. I liked it so much I bought two for a project and now don't need the 2nd one as much. To answer the OP, I do have a few stone molds and they work well too. I think it took about 6wks or so for mine to arrive.
  14. I have an Angling AI 4" Heart Throb Grub mold if you have any interest in it. If you have any interest, drop me a PM and we can probably figure something out.
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