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Everything posted by Anyfish

  1. Not sure what causes the problem. I typically use clear hard as nails finger nail polish. You may be able to put it in the type of container you noted.
  2. Not sure on the soft paint, as i havent had that problem. I also used the Rust-Oleum Engine Enamel 500F. The few molds i have sprayed, i dont use that often, so not sure if it needs to be reapplied every so often. I wouldnt bake the mold, but that is just my thought.
  3. Perfect. Skimpy posts some great stuff. I have learned a lot from his videos. I used the 500degree for what's worth.
  4. I haven't taped any that i have painted. I just layed them open, put two light coats of paint and then cleaned out the vents after it was dry. It works great, it just doesn't look as nice.
  5. Anyfish


    I sent you a PM.
  6. I have only done a few. I guess thinned isnt the right term, i just made up some clear and dipped away when it was hot and still very thin. I didnt have any problems with eyes melting. I used the do it essential plastisol if that matters. I dont do eyes often, as it became just one more step that i dont know how much really matters to the fish.
  7. I dont put many eyes on but the baits i have done have formed spot for the eye. I have stuck them on and then dipped them in a thinned clear plastisol to seal it all. I think without this step almost any eye will come off. Hope it helps.
  8. They work fine. The baits turn out dull, or at least mine do. Spraying with PAM as Mark noted may fix that. The only down side i had was the shipping time was long.
  9. I have and it works great (at least i think). It took a little research fron here and trial and error to figure it out. What i do is: 1. Flip the wire form around so what was the bottom is now the top. You can easily slip the blade on the open loop after paining. 2. I then cut the new bottom (the squareish part) to be able to slip the hook on. This cut is easy to crimp shut. Figuring out where to cut is what took trial and error. 3. Pour, paint, apply skirt, blade, hook, fish. I haven't had any straighten and i think it works great. I think That Guy Skimpy also has a youtube video of this or something similar. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
  10. Not sure if it will work, but brass Carolina rig weights may work
  11. Not a bad idea. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Not sure if it will help. Just to add a few ideas... I add hair in layers, adding a few half hitches or whip finish and cover the thread with hard as nails between layers. My thought has been that even if some of the jig falls apart some may not. I have also found if I am using heavier thread (for me it has been kevlar thread) i have a tendancy to break the hair shaft somewhat and it falls apart from time to time.
  13. I have poured jigs and soft baits for a while, just expanding out to spinnerbaits. Thanks again
  14. Yes spinnerbait molds in both cases. Thanks for the reply.
  15. New to the site, but looking for some advice. Trying to decide between the do it bullet head or ultra minnow spinnerbait molds. I like the look of the ultra but read a lot about pouring difficulty. I have tried and tried to find something (good or bad) on the bullet head. Thanks.
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