Two things. First I’ve used D2T and BSI 30 minute epoxies with some success but found that TrueCoat works better and is more durable. It was specifically designed for baits. TrueCoat tends to have a longer working time. I have found the others to be just over five minutes, where TrueCoat is at least ten. Also TrueCoat is a little thinner and gets less bubbles. Only issue I have with it is that it comes in fairly large bottles. With the others, I could eyeball a 50/50 ratio in the bottom of a mixing cup. With TrueCoat I have to used small graduated mixing cups to ensure a 50/50 mix.
Secondly, on all 30 minute epoxies, I think they have to be turned until they are well set up and I don’t see that can be done practically by hand.
I’ve attached photos of TrueCoat and my rotisserie based turner.