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  1. Will the Etex lite work with the aluminum foil tape or do y’all recommend something else? Again thanks for the info.
  2. Great info guys. Glad I searched chrome on here, as I just had the same issue. Sprayed a lure with chrome paint and it looked beautiful. Coating with etex lite and now I just have a silver lure. At least now I know it’s not something I messed up. Lol
  3. I’ll definitely try the foam. Some of the lipless baits I’ve used with the alligator clips just never really seem secure and have a tendency to move in the clip. Great tip! Thanks,
  4. Thanks for the info guys. I’m gonna try to figure out a way to use the wire hangers
  5. Do you use a turner with the wire setup? I use a turner when I clear coat with etex.
  6. Hi guys, I’m pretty new to painting hard baits. I’m having an issue securing lipless crankbaits. I’ve tried alligator clips to the hook eyes etc. The thing that seems to work the best for me is I purchased some flex coat lure vises that look like the handle of an xacto knife. My issue with these are the clear coat. I use etec lite. The coating gets between the vise and the lure and it’s a pain in the butt to remove the vise from the bait and then leaves a pretty big “burr” of coating. Any tips or tricks? Or is this just something you have to deal with? Thanks in advance for any info.
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