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Everything posted by Canga~

  1. i have the angling ai little hammer mold, which is a 2.75" swimbait, 4 cavity and a fairly large runner, with 4 individual sprues for each cavity (hard to explain, but it takes a decent amount of plastic, check the pics on the ai site) and it fills very easily with around 2oz of plastic. i would think with a normal sprue/runner, you would be fine with 6 or 8 cavities. the 3.75" version fills with about 2.5oz, just for reference.
  2. Try shooting it faster, I have the 2.8” version and when I used it shooting fast filled the tails better.
  3. I am no expert, but I believe worm oil is essentially the same as softener, and most scents are scented worm oil. I have remelted plastic that has worm oil in it, and scents and haven’t had any problems.
  4. heat stabilizer will help a ton, as will a probe thermometer. i dont use a themometer after the initial heat, just go by the viscosity of the plastic, but i use the exact heating routine every time, and its worked well. until you get used to the platic you use, the microwave you use and that sort of thing, check the temp more and use stabilizer and your colors should stay true reheat after reheat.
  5. not sure what this grub is supposed to be, but it is HUGE, i bought one hoping it would be on the small side of 4" grubs but it made a 4" kalins look small by comparison, and IMO a 4" kalins is a large grub. i returned it the day after i got it!
  6. Perhaps look at the fluorescent green that bait plastics pops up on every page, might be close. I haven’t used any of it yet but looks interesting
  7. Hmm, wonder if they still have the other one!
  8. When I was looking for a large injector basstackle didn’t have one listed and did not respond to a couple emails asking about the 10oz availability. It’s still not on the site. I would have probably gotten one of those, but glad I got the quality injector since it’s much shorter than the basstackle and looks less awkward to handle (IMO)
  9. I have a 12oz from them and it’s great ( other than the o-rings), quality construction, heats up quickly and keeps the heat nicely.
  10. So I got an injector off Facebook, (quality injector and more) and the injector is great, high quality, dual locking pins, 12oz capacity and doesn’t leave a giant plug after injecting. But the orings that came with it are not good and the only ones they have are the same as I got. where should I go to get new orings, is there any specific type I should be looking for? Essentially I’m looking for a larger diameter version of what you get in a basstackle injector. thanks!
  11. Yes I got mine earlier this week, it was 35 days for mine to ship. Totally worth the wait, molds are awesome and shoot perfect, I got the n3d core and a 3.4” ecto craw... won’t be my last order for sure
  12. Triple injector too, spendy though!
  13. Probably, I know angling ai says 21-28 days, I’m on day 31 with no update since the order confirmation. I didn’t have any problems with the only order from BTS, got it in like 4 days from ordering to my door, last summer/fall.
  14. well, plastic isnt going to be more than 400 on the very high side, and lead melts at like 620*, so im sure if it holds up to lead that plastic will not be a problem!
  15. agreed with the above, i think all of the american (and canadian) mold makers are very high quality. i have molds from angling ai, basstackle, bts, and doit (both cnc and ES) and they are all good molds. find a design you like and buy with confidence.
  16. Yes you can, add a little heat stabilizer, cut it up into small pieces and you will be good to go.
  17. I ended up getting the 12oz from him (quality injector and more on fb). Got it yesterday and it’s awesome, only got a chance to play with it a little last night, but it’s very smooth, dual locking pins, dual orings on the plunger, very smooth action. I will say that it had a lot of dust, I assume from manufacturing, in it when I got it, but ran some worm oil through it a few times, cleaning the plunger and tube out each time, and no big deal. it was around 26 degrees last night, I did have a propane forces air heater going, but the injector heated up quick and stayed hot, most of the time the plug on the inside was less than half an inch thick, even putting 8oz in. this is the 12 oz next to a 6oz basstackle, not much difference in length and it’s pretty easy to use, so far pretty happy with the purchase!
  18. 156 is very brown, 109 is more green. The one on the left in the pic is 156 (other is a zman)
  19. I use mostly LureWorks with a few Doit x2 as well. Both are good imo. I haven’t tried any Lurecraft yet but hear they are good as well. I have a couple mf colors as well, have to use a ton of it to get a darker color, but it was good otherwise.
  20. I have that tube mold (angling ai 2.75” double dipper) and their cutter and both are awesome. I’ll probably be getting the 3.75” slender at some point too. That arbor press with the ai cutter on it looks awesome, might have to do that one of these days, too.
  21. Too me it just seems easier to use a bigger injector, fill the molds I’m using and clean it out while I demold. I don’t have a big production setup, and no presto yet. Perhaps I’m way off base on that but I’m probably going to buy one of the 8 or 12oz injectors from Facebook to at least try it out
  22. I sent them a message too, hoping I can get one of those, but in case they stopped making them I’m hoping there are other options as well
  23. I have been searching around to find a good “large” sized injector. I have 2 6oz basstackle injectors and they are great, but when I want to shoot a bunch of molds, say a doit midwest finesse, 3” skinny carrot and pretty much any other mold, I can’t get all 3 with the 6oz. I have looked at all the sites I can think of and haven’t seen much over 6oz. Is there anyone out there currently making a quality 8-10oz injector with a locking pin? I have seen the doit one and it does have a pin just don’t know anything else about their injectors.
  24. i agree, the action craws catch more fish for me, even just slowly dragging them on a jighead. i always liked the baby rage craw, so i wanted something similar, the 702 from bts has great action, and from the videos i have seen so does the ecto, i think the ecto craw, with the mold oriented with the claws hanging down will be easier to pour without dents in the claws, which i have had in most of the 702's i have made (no it doesnt affect the baits, just not good to look at!)
  25. That was supposed to be ecto craw. Stupid autocorrect got me heh
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