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    Makin bait and catchin fish!

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  1. A mild solvent should do the trick. Paint cleaner is what I would suggest.
  2. Polysol / Bait Plastics stopped supplying Dead on last year from what they told me. Dead on has a new supplier and resales.
  3. I'd suggest getting a sample from the different manufacturers. I prefer the Bait Plastics 312 Saltwater or 362 Saltwater Super Tough as the price and service is good.
  4. Are you mixing the hardener in with the regular plastisol? If you have an 8 oz batch I would add 1oz of hardener and mix well before heating.
  5. Missing a few of the bigger ones below: Baitplastics.com ispikeit.com store.do-itmolds.com
  6. Lots of great companies. Lurecraft, Bait Plastics, MF, Lureworks
  7. Is it the new formula? They switched plastisol suppliers at the beginning of the year. They used to buy all there plastisol from Bait Plastics and I prefer the old formula so I just get it direct from BP now. I would contact them direct if still having issues.
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