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About LuredBaitz

  • Birthday 04/05/1989

Profile Information

  • Location
    Ireland, Dublin
  • Interests
    Not going to mention fishing. It's pretty obvious. I enjoy the TV series "The Walking Dead" and "Supernatural". Bike riding is another close to heart hobby. Sometimes if I am really bored I will carve knives. (Sounds creepy I know)

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  1. Wow, Dave you sure as heck love giving long lectures. I do appreciate the reply though. I guess this is where you and I are different... I buy products from the market and you create them using your imagination. I think it might be too late for me to change. I wouldn't even have any clue on how to start. The only thing that anyone in my family has ever done is knife carving. I think I am the first so-called "fisherman" but a very plain and simple one.
  2. You know I don't really see the point in any of this. I wish some of us would have gotten the bright idea to try and build something to help us fish at night. Not all of us have the best memories of fishing at night, right? Would you happen to have any idea on some glow in the dark fishing lures? Or even any comments on the product? I read up about these "glow in the dark fishing lures" at http://huntingfishingplus.com/best-glow-in-the-dark-fishing-lures/. There I got the explanation I needed to fish at night using a glow in the dark lure. I did know about these lures for a while now. I got the idea from my neighbour across the street. Fishings seems to be the only thing he finds interesting. He would give me long lectures on all the fishing tips needed. He is using a Shrimp Sabiki by JSHANMEI. He even tried to teach me how to make one. If you're into this sort of thing there is a video guide on how to create this lure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXmsdAODXYE. Quite frankly, it blew me away. It was like I thought I knew all there is to know about fishing and then I get put to the test and bam, turns out I don't know as much as I thought I did. I didn't even know that with different lure colours you get different results for fishing. I'm definitely going to try out everything I read up and try it out this weekend. If anything I can come back and keep you updated. Hope you found something interesting in what I had to say.
  3. If I was you I would more than likely go for the john boat. Then again it does really depend on your skill level.
  4. Well, looks like I'm starting to fall in love with a new series, thanks.
  5. Reading your post is like reading something out of NASA. I swear you would be amazing at giving speeches. I guess now I have more passion to try and create my perfect lures. I was never really the best at it. For some odd reason, I am more skilled in knife carving.
  6. Did you actually build this yourself? Any place where this can be bought? Looks super handy.
  7. Wife: I'm pregnant, what do you want it to be? Husband: A joke

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