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Big Epp

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Big Epp last won the day on August 15

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    Northern IL

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  1. Big Epp


    Nice work!
  2. Big Epp


    "Good" is highly subjective! It does look like it would catch fish. If you are happy with how it works in the water, go for it!
  3. I was thinking a large brass bead might help with that. The internet says it's difficult but possible...could you solder (or epoxy) in a metal rattle chamber?
  4. I looked up "lake Erie flutter spoon," and while I did not see any quite like those, many of the ones I saw had a pronounced eye spot right where those holes are. Northland tackle makes a buckshot spoon, and the red eye has those beads, maybe you could add different beads for eyelike flash and some extra rattle? I love the idea of adding some sort of light, maybe a bright glow bead?
  5. Big Epp


    So clean, good work sir!
  6. Big Epp


    Quite ridiculous...well done! Great work with the stitching details.
  7. Big Epp


    Niiiiiiice work!
  8. I'm not familiar with this supplier, but would a powder coat like this work?
  9. I haven't made any baits yet with a line tie in the lip like you are describing, but I love your solution. Makes sense to me!
  10. Nice to see how other guys on here are carrying on that community aspect! People helping people...
  11. Big Epp


    I've had my best success with bluegill patterned jigs. Looks great!
  12. Big Epp

    gill glide.JPG

    Slick! Very nice work. Looks like it should get munched!
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