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    Kimberleys WA

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  1. Add to that the exchange rate and then the bank fees, especially seeing the banks don't use the standard rate so lose another 10cents in the $. But it's the price we pay to inhale strange gases from a microwave. Knock off fishing did have a chemical supplier in Oz (I managed to speak to someone) and the plastisol was phthalate free but they closed the online store down quite a while back. If I manage to chase anything down I'll get in contact.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply, and glad it worked out. Just a shame we have to get the gear from the other side of the globe.
  3. How did you fellas go with the order ? Did you get it sorted, I'd be interested to know. I've even resorted to ringing chemical companies in Aussie to see if they make a plastisol to suit lure making, but it looks like there isn't a big demand. Looking at 200ltrs+ to make it at least. Considering sellers here want $600 for 20 ltrs of imported plastisol I would have thought there might have been a few crowds willing to have a go at it. My last lot of imported product was crushed and leaking but seeing the external soggy box wasn't penetrated or broken, the freight mobs said there wasn't a problem.
  4. Thanks Frank, but I'm after something a bit longer (9"+) with more like fins than paddles. I'll probably need to start playing with some modelling clay.
  5. Hi Guys, New to the forum and looking for a bit of a help if anyone can. I am after a production mold for a snub nosed garfish (Aussie) /ballyhoo mold if anyone has some info. I've spent a few hours looking in here for anything but come up blank. Search only comes up with ready made baits and I have trawled every mold maker I can find but come up with zilch. Another alternative would be to get one made but there's probably another 1.2k Au$ +. If all else fails I'll put my dismal artistic talent to the test and make one.
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