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  1. thanks, Mark. Thank you for saying that, that was what I was going to try next, however I didn't think about the center line on the lip, thats so obvious, yet genius. My concern (probably unnecessary) was chipping the edges of the slot in the shaping process, do you see that as an issue? if you don't mind, another question; on a 1.5-2" flat sided square bill, how deep do you cut the lip slot? thanks.
  2. so- I'm fairly new to hardbait building and am finding it very difficult to get my lips square to the body. they are close, but not perfect. any suggestions?
  3. Hey all. I swear that years ago I saw someone post a softener to plastisol ratio chart where he started with a "hard" blend and showed how much softener he added to get it to medium then soft then super soft. Am I imagining this? the reason I ask is I just got a great deal on some hard plastisol. I have always ordered plastisol by the type of bait I'm making, never ordered hard before. I have plenty of softener on hand and would love to make this hard stuff stretch ( more baits). thanks for the guidance in advance.
  4. Have any of you ever tried a salt solution for a water bath after demolding? If so, what did you find?
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