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Everything posted by HokieMusky527

  1. did you paint the "undercoat scales" before or after the rest of the body? I am guessing you did it first then taped it off an continued painting the rest? Love this affect, looks great man!
  2. what length are these? They look great! Im sure the muskies here would eat them up!
  3. HokieMusky527

    Epoxy lure eyes

    You still have the 1/2 " eyes? Most of the lures i make are for musky so these should be just about perfect... please let me know if you do still have any available to sell! Thanks Zach
  4. Yeah i had the same thing happen to me when i tried the super glue/ baking soda method.... get you the thinnest runniest super glue you can find and it will absorb into the baking soda much better! Night and Day@
  5. Dave, I also usually add more lead than needed and drill and test, drill and test so a copy of your calculator would greatly improve the time needed to figure out the perfect buoyancy for the baits i am making. I would love a peak at it if you could send it to my email. Zachmtalbert@gmail.com Thanks a ton man! i cant wait to give my feedback! Zach
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